Amber Silverblood: Rogue Wolf, Chapter Forty One

The little runt squealed, kicking and punching at me in a desperate attempt to get free, but i had the strength of a silverblood inside me. i barely felt a thing.

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Flight of Fancy

I was just like any other fox, the runt of the litter. then there was that night. i found the skull of a fox, and for some reason i put it on my head and climbed to the top of the highest hill. the next morning i came down, and nothing was the same.

The Final Anomaly 2 - Riptor's Plan

_"then are quite bigger, and a lot less noisy than this runt!"

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A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 3-In The Results

Dusk was a small dragon,adelind and i think he may actually be a runt. ace on the other hand,was much bigger and enjoys tormenting him. dusk can get a good swipe at him only now and again. ace sticks up for his brother though.

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Kingdom Hearts: Shadows of Birth - Chapter 6

That runt's getting annoying." riku showed a smile, "oh, i'm not out of the game yet!" from his hands, he blasted the ice away with a fira spell, following it up with a thundara right on venair.

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The Twilight Army; The Rise of the Flame Guardian

The runt is glace, and you are to follow us." she ordered, her voice now cold once more. "why should we?" asked nightwish stubbornly. "because, idiot, rukario is dead, i want to know why, and i need a favour."

The Dawn of a New Era

"seriously, how could this runt have any power?" my face started to twitch with anger, and the birds in the trees stopped singing. he noticed my face, and broke into harsh laughter. "aww, look, the itty-bitty baby's angry!"

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Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 15

"now get going, runt. before somebody notices you snooping around where you don't belong." hezzi left them and stepped out into the afternoon sun. the shadows were all short and stubby, warning him that half the day was already gone.

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Accidentally Infinite

Randy immediately rushed over to compare himself to his runt of a friend -- or at least his friend that used to be a runt a few minutes ago! now tyson was rapidly swelling from being barely chest high up to cheek high on the rabbit!

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Highschool Life Chapter 9: A Cat's Weakness

You'd wish you were never born," she goes near me and pokes my chest strongly, "got that, runt?" i stare at her fierce eyes with my own.

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A New Life: Part 1- First encounters

The wolf quickly turned, snarling, and demanded, "what the hell did you say you runt!" jack gulped audibly and said again with much less force behind it, "i s-said l-let her g-go..."

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