Arrrrrrgh We There Yet?
Kit & kitty also run onto it then off. "twins come in second." the four of them keep running, making toner confused.
Leaving Noise
From the noise, i run swiftly. from you, from love, from life, all things sweet. i'm running. running from me, and my cluelessness. i want peace.
Raven Wolf - Book 02 - Chapter 13
#28 of raven wolf - novel raven wolf - the oracle - chapter thirteen **raven wolf - the oracle - chapter thirteen** kit is running around a large outdoor parking garage filled with very expensive looking cars, he running up to one and kicking it
I run into her room seeing room on fire. i run through the door and i see her bed on fire and the crib next to the bed is on fire, i look in shock and i run outside and the whole house is covered by the flames. "! serena!"
My legs then finally regained themselves and i started to run again.
Wasteland Survivor – Building skills - ch28
By run the sergeant didn't mean a jog, he meant a run, all eight of us made tracks around the camp, circling it four times before the sergeant called a stop and told us to get lunch.
Providence: Crumbling towers.C1 P1
Aloud running as fast as he can he jumps into his home courtyard nearly burning his paws.
Chicago Hot Dog Party
The adrenaline junkies then run off towards the vendor.
Jasper says as him and mitch and miles & joey run to find their golf balls. "let's go!" hector says after he makes a shot. "here goes nothing." patricia says. she makes her shot and her and zoe run off.
Hawaiian Paradise
Helga runs off and mabel tries again. miss. helga hits the button the clue box in the backyard. "route info: reunite with your partner and run to ewa beach park." helga reads. she runs out of the yard back into the street.
Argentinian Ties
As the oasis runs off, kit & kitty and jasper & mitch get their clues and they run for the bus as well. once they get on, the settle in for the long ride. \*\*\* "you know, you're gonna have to tell the twins what happened yesterday eventually."
Project Radikal Chp. 10 - Much Needed Vacation (Part 1)
running and jumping, running and jumping. hoping that he would hit another red light as he started to get farther and farther away. unable to continue to run, stopping to take a few breaths, watching as he drove away.