Project Radikal Chp. 10 - Much Needed Vacation (Part 1)
#10 of Project Radikal
Here's chapter 10, due to the length, I had to make it into two parts. Sorry for the delay once again, my excuse this time is that I had a really hard break up with my boyfriend and I didn't want to do anything for a while, but that was last week. So no other excuse for the rest of the two months. Anyway, other than being hurt, I'm fine and finished chapter 10, hope you all enjoy. Worked my heart out on this one.
It had been three days of searching endlessly and we couldn't find a single hint of to where they were. Finally deciding it would be best if we took a look around the site they were digging around in before they had disappeared. Walking alongside Luc and Troy as we walked out of the lobby of our hotel, noticing Troy smile and nod at the fur behind the desk in the lobby. Slowly speeding up our walking as we made our way towards Troy's car, him pulling out his keys and clicking a button, hearing the doors unlock. Opening up the door to the back and jumping in. The car ride was slow, watching out my window as we drove down the road, making our way towards a police guarded checkpoint. After a slow process of the police checking badges and other articles of papers we were finally let in, we saw it was the meteor site we had watched about on television. It turned out that Luc's parents were the 'American Archaeologists' that went missing. After going through the remains of a collapsed, and slightly burnt building, we couldn't seem to find anything. Digging around in rubble beside the meteor, and around the same room. It was like they just disappeared. I looked over at Luc to still find him searching through rubble, for any sign of hope. I walked through some of the rocks, kicking them up as I walk by, suddenly something flashing into my eye, squinting a bit since it was really bright. Slowly bending down and picking it up to see it was Luc's dads phone, reflecting sunlight at me. Looking at it before feeling it vibrate and start to ring. The loud obnoxious tone sent an echo throughout the place, Luc quickly turning around to look at me.
"That doesn't look like your phone..."
"It isn't, it's your dads..."
Shuddering a little and tossing him the phone, watching as he puts the phone near his ear and answering, lowering it from his ear, watching as he presses a button on the phone. Putting it on speaker for all of us to hear, the strange and muffled voice suddenly ended the silence in the room.
"If you want your parents, then follow these directions well, and make sure that your alone."
Feeling an eerie tingle go down my spine, my head twitching to the side a little. Listening in to the directions, writing them down quickly as he says it. My scribbled writing on the piece of paper clearly showing my nervousness. Looking back up at Luc to see him put his fathers cell phone into his pocket, slowly making his way over towards me. His footpads making the only noise that disrupted the quietness in the room, handing over the piece of paper to him, as we look over towards Troy. He looked back at us, putting his paws over his hips and started walking in a slow pace back and forth.
"Well, usually, the whole 'going alone' thing never works. Neither does sending in a bunch of agents in either. It's your parents. So it's your call."
I rub my eyes, feeling a sudden headache pound away at my head, looking over at Luc to see that everything started to get out of focus. Blinking, once, twice. Feeling more light headed, almost losing my balance as I look down to rub my forehead. Not really sure of what was going on, slowly shaking my head as I look down towards my feet.
Looking back up to notice different scenery and I looked at my paws and feet, noticing different clothing and I looked over at Luc, seeing that we were some place else. Scratching and shaking my head. Not knowing what was going on anymore, the feeling of out of focus-ness and uneasiness were gone, but confusion and worry replaced them. Biting my lip and tapping Luc's shoulder, getting his attention.
"Where are we?"
"At the meeting place, he should be here shortly."
"What...we were just with Troy, how could...There's no way that we got here in 5 seconds..."
"Neon...It's been an hour since we seen Troy, after we talked to him, we walked our way here."
"No..No I just briefly looked down, when I looked back up we were here..."
"What do you mean?"
"I think...I think I blacked out"
"I don't remember how we got here, there's a blank spot in my memory from when we were talking to Troy."
"Are you okay? Do you need to sit down or something?"
"I'm fine now, but it feels like I have to know, or I should remember, but I can't remember. No matter how hard I try."
"Well, your here now. At least that's a good thing that I'm here with you."
Taking a deep breath, releasing an audible sigh afterwards. Noticing a hooded figure walking slowly out of the shadows, as he approached us, the same feeling as last time chilled down my spinal chord, the same twitch in my neck. Looking over the dark figure as he walked closer. My breathing suddenly becoming the only sound in the air around us and the slow, footsteps of the man before us.
Running, chasing. Following the hooded figure, almost falling onto my face as I noticed what I was doing. Without stopping, quickening my pace, chasing after him through alleyways and throughout the city. Watching as he got into a car in front of me, I didn't want to lose him now. Looking at the closeness of the walls, I run for the wall, jumping and kicking myself off to the opposing wall. Grabbing hold of a small ledge, quickly pulling myself up and jumping over to the window ledge, looking above me to see the rim of the roof, grabbing hold and pulling myself up. Standing up on the roof, taking a quick breath. Finally realizing what I had just done, before noticing the car slowly pull off and into traffic. Following the car along the roof, keeping an eye on it as it kept getting caught within the traffic. Suddenly thinking to myself, how did it come to this, where was Luc and what had happened at the meeting. Why is there blank spots in my memory, watching as the car pulled to a stop at a red light. Looking through the back window to see him sitting there on a phone, suddenly thinking to myself. Pulling out my phone, quickly dialling Luc's number. Hearing it ring a few times before I could hear him answer.
"Neon, what's going on? Do you have him?"
"No, but I'm following his car. He's on his phone at a red light."
"Grab his license plate and meet me back at the hotel."
"What happened?"
"What do you mean?"
"We were standing there, waiting for him and as he arrived. I was suddenly chasing him down streets and alleys. With you no where to be found." Watching his car closely as he starts to make a left, heading my direction.
"You blacked out again?"
"I suppose.." Starting to run along the roof again, following behind his car, trying to make out the letters and numbers of his plate
"Troy called, and from that he thought more agents were coming and took off, but you took off after him and you guys crossed the street before I could, and the traffic cut me off"
"Oh well, I'll get his plates and return back to meet you. Gotta go."
Without hearing a response I hung up my phone, putting it back into my pocket. Quickening my pace as I was getting further behind. Running and jumping, running and jumping. Hoping that he would hit another red light as he started to get farther and farther away. Unable to continue to run, stopping to take a few breaths, watching as he drove away. Letting out a huge sigh as I slowly climb down from the rooftop. Jumping down from the side and onto the sidewalk. Not paying attention to the people staring at me as I casually walk away. Slowly making my way down the street, noticing as the sky started to get brighter, I hadn't realized I had been out all night. The cold night breeze, blowing through my fur as I walk against it. The wind against my fur felt nice, seeing as there weren't many furs out, I decided to take off my shirt to feel more of the breeze. Tucking some of my shirt inside my jeans, so I wouldn't have to carry it. Walking along the sidewalk, running a paw through my head fur as I felt the wind blow against my fur. Finally seeing the hotel just down the street. Slowly starting to jog to quicken my arrival, my tail wagging slowly as I got closer and closer to the building. Watching as the doors opened up in front of me. Walking slowly inside, not caring to put on my shirt again, pushing the button for the elevator, looking over towards the receptionist desk as I wait for the elevator. Smiling softly at the fur sitting there staring at me as I walked into the elevator, pushing the button for my floor.
Putting my key card inside the slot, pushing the door open and walking in quietly. Thinking to myself that Luc had went to bed, walking into the bedroom to see that he was standing near the window, leaning up against his arm looking out the window. Smiling to myself as I walked quietly over to him, sliding my paws around his waist and leaning my head on his shoulder. Feeling as he quickly turned around to look at me.
"Oh my god, there you are. I was so worried."
"Worried about what, I'm fine." Leaning my head against his chest, hugging him tightly
"What were you thinking?! Chasing after him like that. What if he wanted us to do that."
"I wasn't thinking, I don't even remember much, just out of no where I was running after him.."
"That's so weird... I wonder why." "
C'mon, let's go out onto the balcony.."
Grabbing his paw and leading him out the door towards the balcony, feeling the breeze blowing up against my fur again as I lean up against the railing, watching out towards the mountains, the light getting brighter outside. Smiling as I feel Luc's paws wrap around my waist, resting his head own my shoulder.
"Neon, why aren't you wearing your shirt? Not that I don't mind or anything..." Smirking as he rubs my waist
"It was really nice out, the breeze was perfect, and there isn't many people roaming around the streets this time of day."
"Yeah I guess, my silly foxy."
"What are we going to do now?"
"I don't know...but for right now, we can enjoy this beautiful sunrise together, how does that sound?"
"It sounds wonderful." Leaning back into his embrace as we watch the sun rising up past the mountains slowly, giving a more brighter light off to every corner of the city
"Hey, I got you something..." Feeling his hands dig into his pockets, wrapping his paws around my neck, tying a necklace onto my neck. Blushing like crazy as I look up at him.
"What's this for?"
"Well, with everything that's going on, I got distracted and haven't been able to give you, your anniversary gift. It's nothing expensive or crazy, it's just a necklace with tabs on it, representing all the times something special happened in our lives."
"Aww, Luc. I love it."
"It's not too cheesy?"
"It's perfect."
"C'mon, let's go to bed.."
Feeling him grab hold of my paw, leading me back towards the bed. Collapsing down into his arms, yawning and closing my eyes.
Yawning and stretching out, looking beside me to see Luc was still asleep. Grabbing the clock from the bedside and looking at it, amazed to see it was six in the afternoon, we had slept all day. Rubbing my eyes and clearing my throat as I got out of bed, slowly walking out into the living room area to see Troy had been sitting on the couch watching television. Walking past him and going over to the mini fridge to grab a bottle of water, taking a few drinks before sitting beside him.
"You guys were asleep, I didn't feel like waking you guys up..."
"How long were you just sitting here?" blushing a little, taking another drink
"About, five hours..."
"I'm sorry.."
"No, it's fine."
"I didn't get back to the room until sunrise this mourning."
"Why did you?- Never mind, we got a track on the cell phone that he used to call you guys on. Sorry it took so long, it's just that it was really hard to pin point the location."
"That's--" Watching as Luc steps out of the doorway, cutting me off.
"What are we waiting for then?"
"Well, they wouldn't just make it that easy, it could be a trap."
"That's a risk I'm willing to make."
"Neon, these are my parents. I have to try."
Nodding and not saying another word, quickly throwing on some clothes and standing beside Troy while waiting for Luc to finally get ready.
"I can't go with you guys, I have to stay here and give the directions."
"Oh, okay."
"Good luck you guys."
Putting a bluetooth headset into my ear and following Luc out the lobby entrance of the hotel. We quickly followed Troy's directions at a quick pace. Almost at a running speed down the street, my eye finally caught something. Two suited up furs had been following us for the last three or four blocks. I didn't feel like alerting Luc to it, but with each turn we made, it started to worry me more and more. Pushing Luc into an alleyway, grabbing his paw and starting to run, tugging him along. Finally hearing a couple gunshots being fired behind us, looking back to see them with pistols in hand, sprinting after us. The only thoughts in my head were to just run.
Running alongside my doberman, not really knowing what was going on. How it got to this, I had no idea, we were so close to Luc's parents. Running to a halt as we enter a building, panting with my tongue hanging out as I rest and catch my breath. Feeling Luc tap my shoulder, looking up at him to see him point towards a room a couple floors above us, we could see his parents in the window. Nodding as we looked towards each other, knowing exactly what we were going to do. Starting to run up the stairs, getting a floor up, suddenly being surrounded by armed furs around us. Watching as Luc put his paws up, I didn't have time to react, the only thing going through my mind was getting to his parents no matter what. Jumping over the railing and kicking off from it, flying through the air as I grab onto a rope that was going across, holding a sign. Pulling myself up and standing on the rope, running and jumping onto the above railing, quickly pulling myself over, looking back to see the guards being distracted by me. Watching as Luc took that to his advantage, disarming one and knocking over a few, concentrating back to running up the stairs. I looked up ahead to see the room, and a few more guards, diving and rolling behind a pillar against the wall. Peeking around the corner to get shot at instantly, going back into cover. I took a few deep breathes, rolling out from my cover and running straight for them, strafing left and right, feeling a bullet graze my left arm. Wincing slightly at the sudden pain, finally getting close enough to them, jumping up and kicking one guy to the ground, turning around to grab the barrel of the guys gun, pushing it to the left as he pulls the trigger. The gun firing around like crazy, finally hearing a clicking noise of an empty clip. Holding his arm out straight, using my other paw to swing upwards on his arm, breaking it. Hearing him cry out and fall to the ground I moved ahead, and busted through the doorway to see Luc's parents. They were tied up, I quickly moved towards them, untying their bonds. The rush of adrenaline still coursing through my body. Looking back towards the doorway to see Luc standing there waiting. Looking through the window to see more guards running up towards the room. Shutting the door and barricading it, watching as they reached the door, banging upon it. Looking towards each other, then looking towards the window, as we all made a dash for it, the door started to break open as I watch them looking at us. Looking back towards the window to see it shatter in front of me, noticing Luc diving through it and his parents behind him. I didn't know what we were doing but it was better than waiting to be captured. Jumping and soaring through the air, it was a short drop, hearing a thud as I my footpads hit the ground, clenching my teeth a little as a jolt of pain went through my body once again.
Running out the doors following behind Luc and his parents, watching as they all hopped into a broken in vehicle. Luc's mom quickly pulling out wires from underneath the steering wheel, hearing a few shocking noises before hearing the engine coming to life. Looking back towards the door to see them running out the doorway, firing a few rounds into the back window as we quickly drove away. To my surprise, they didn't follow. It was confusing me, why go through all that trouble of kidnapping and keeping them hostage if they just gave up so easily. Letting out a sigh of relief, it finally felt like it was over. Closing my eyes as we drove away, listening to my slow, deep breathing. A ticking noise emerging into my head, I opened my eyes again and the ticking noise didn't stop. Suddenly, we all looked towards each other, we were all thinking the same thing but hoped that it wasn't what we thought. Without a moments notice, a huge burst of flames engulfed the truck. The heat and smoke quickly filling the truck, opening the door and fumbling with my seatbelt, coughing and closing my eyes. Finally hearing a click and the seatbelt retracting, rolling out of the door, and tumbling down the side of the road. Feeling the sudden pain of the impact of me hitting the cement road. Coughing more and sitting up, seeing Luc on the side of the road, looking back towards the truck to see his parents still inside the vehicle. Watching as Luc got up and started running down the road, I lay there, trying to lift myself up, feeling a sudden pain in my leg, seeing a metal pole had cut my leg. Wincing in pain, only watching as Luc got close to the burning vehicle, suddenly a bright orange explosion emitted out, causing Luc to fly back through the air, a giant heat wave blasting out. I didn't want to believe what I just saw, falling back onto the ground, looking up into the blue sky. Wondering to myself "How can so much bad things happen on such a beautiful day?" barely being able to keep my eyes open, the sound slowly drifting off in the background, everything getting darker as I close my eyes. Opening them again to the sight of red and blue flashing lights, and the sound of a siren. Closing my eyes again, finally awakening to the inside of a hospital, it all seemed too familiar. Suddenly sitting up straight and looking over towards the chair to see Luc had been sitting there, tears rolling down the side of his face.
"Neon, I'm so so sorry.."
"Luc... are your..."
"I don't know, they didn't recover any bodies. I'm just glad that I didn't lose everyone..."
"Aww, don't worry, things will be okay." Smiling weakly at him, feeling bandages around my one leg.
"We'll find out who did this, don't worry..."
"I don't know, when we do find them.. I-I'll kill them all."
"I'm sure we will find them"
Watching as he hides his anger, tightening his grip on the chair arms. Sitting up and out of bed, grabbing his arm and pulling him into a tight hug, breathing in slowly. My paws rubbing up and down his back as he bursts into tears, fighting my own urge to cry. Feeling him sob into my shoulder, his cries of pain hurt me more than anything I have ever felt before. Thinking to myself "This isn't the future I saw...". Hearing the door creak and slowly open, turning my head a little to see Troy peeking his head in.
"I'm sorry... I'll come back..."
"No Troy, it's fine" Luc pulling away from the hug, wiping a few tears away.
"I'm so sorry about what happened Luc."
"Just tell me where they are."
"I really don't think that's such a good idea..."
"Just tell me...please."
"You don't have to do this Neon."
"I'll go wherever you go."
Taking in a few deep breaths standing outside of a warehouse, looking towards the canine beside me before nodding. Walking around the building before noticing something we could climb up from. Our slow climb began, reaching and grasping small ledges, parts of the rock breaking off and slipping. Leaping and scratching along the wall before finally reaching a ledge, pulling myself up before grabbing onto Luc's paw and pulling him up. Wiping off dust and rock from my shoulder, shaking my head of any of it as well. Looking over at the canine beside me to see him peering into the window. Looking back behind to me, towards the ground, getting that uneasy feeling and the sudden world spinning round. Hearing a smash, my feet starting to lose balance as I slowly tip backwards before feeling a paw grasp onto the collar of my shirt, but the gravity of the world still trying to tug me down back towards earth. A sudden force sending me forwards through the shattered glass and onto the floor of a room. Coughing as the dust of the room settled, looking around and up towards Luc as he hopped down from the window ledge and onto the floor.
"Are you mad?" Exclaiming as I watch him dust himself off
"What?" Looking up at me with a sort of innocent look in his eyes
"You can't just go around breaking windows, someone could've heard."
"Don't worry, I checked, there was no one in here." Reaching his paw out towards me, smiling a little while looking at me, still innocently
"Perhaps someone was walking by in the hallway and heard." Grabbing onto his paw as he slowly lifts me off the ground.
"Perhaps no one did, since minutes have passed and nothing happened."
"Well then, let's move on."
Hearing him chuckle as he walks towards the doorway. Rolling my eyes a little as I follow closely behind him, grabbing my backpack and reaching inside of it, grabbing hold of a gun. Slowly pulling it out as I watch Luc open the door, grabbing out a silencer from the pack as well. Twisting it onto the barrel as we slowly stepped through the hallway. Quietly walking up to a map located on a wall. "Oh how convenient." Luc said quietly, grabbing the frame in which the map was in.
"Indeed it is..."