Star Fox: Ascension #07 OBLIVION

As the parade of voices returned, so did fox's thoughts as he wrestled with the bigger reptile.

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Chapter 7: Away They Go

Atlas asked the reptile in a weary voice. nghia did not reply for a moment.

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To Wolf down a Wolf

The wyvern pushed the wolf's rear and legs with his right upper claw and closed his maw to fully absorb the canine, he gave a strong, slow gulp and the wolf arrived at his destination, he fell on the reptile's stomach and had to be curled to fit in,

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Bruxa 1/2: Breaking the Fast

Flicking a tongue over her whiskery chops, bruxa belched loudly and let her meal settle, the reptile burbling his death throes inside her.

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Better to Beg Forgiveness: Chapter 1

He asked, making the red reptile frown, her tail slightly kinking up in frustration. "of...course."

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Zombiology - Box Turtle

The reptile continued to watch them as they came closer, not quite sure if they were friend or foe, until the smell finally came to her nose. rotting flesh and disease began to fill the air.

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Facing the Real World 2: Maturing. (Scrapped)

**AN: I never got to describe Darius so much so here's a brief description.** # Darius: _Height: 5'8'_ _Personality: helpful and Cheery_ _Likes: cars, COD, T.V Adventure time, Regular show, Computers_ _Dislikes: nosy people, impatient people and...

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Breakout 3

Break Out Welcome to the Land of Forgotten Children Khan: Age 14 "Now class who can tell me why the Earth is an abandoned zone," Ms. Bianca asked. My hand flew straight into the air; Ms. Bianca called on me, "Yes Hank." "The Planet of...

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Life in Yiggow Chapter 6

Chapter 6 After the fiasco in showers, the furs went to their respected bedrooms. Thunder went down stairs to sleep on the couch. Thunder did not mind sleeping on the couch down stairs because hishusky body could sleep in any position you could...

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Ghosts (Kreet 21)

It was well past midnight when they pulled up to the wood where the shack Kreet had grown up in stood. The path was overgrown, but Kreet had no problem working her way in with her night vision, while she had the others stay behind. She'd never believed...

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Letting the Days Go By (Kreet 14)

The wedding of Karl and Vosa went without a problem, and if there was a coldness between Vosa's First and Karl's First, it wasn't noticed by anyone but themselves. As planned, Karl and his wife moved into the shack outside the Monastery and made a home...

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Covet (Kreet 11)

Mekelson remained in the Monastery for another two days, and Kreet kept herself scarce during that time - going out of her cell only when she really needed to. She caught sight of him only once, and that from across the grounds when the man was talking...

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