Adira Clawhauser Chapter 7

Years and years of persuasion from her brother to love gazelle had made her fear the pop singer nearly like the plague.

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The rambling whispers no longer plagued me, and the soft light of the mushroom brought a new comfort i hadn't felt before. i remained in my position, falling gently asleep again to the sound of the voice and its soothing, if not horribly vague, message.

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Nezoroth Chapter 1

That couldn't be right, his mom had died a long time ago, one of the first victims of the plague, and his father was _not_ the compassionate type. then he remembered. and felt a warm tear splash onto his face.

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Love Unkown Chapter one Yumiko's discovery

Vivid images plague her thoughts with every moment she dreams. pictures of her feral side roaming seeing its kindred chased down hunted, slaughtered as it was but a cub. images of her therian tribe lifeless upon what was supposed to be a joyous return.

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Inevitability pt 3

"if you are listening to this," the voice of markos said, "then you are a survivor from the plague, either immune or un-infected.

So it is Rewritten Episode 23

When a mysterious illness plagues pinkie pie, can her problem be solved before it's too late? ill literacy \*at the twist 'n style petal parlor...\* "what'll the 'do be today?" asked daffidazy.

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Prologue To The Animan

Everywhere the demons has plagued every land occupied by life and has taken the lives of many humans and devoured many creatures in their way. only a certain area is not invaded by the demons yet and only a dog was residing in it.



I no longer am needed on this earth and the voices that once plagued me no longer do so. for you see, i had done the impossible and helped the creatures that used to haunt me when i was a girl.

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A Dark History, a New Story

He's gained the support of the vast majority of the population, and although there are some conservative opposition groups, none of them pose a real treat but one specific faction, a terrorist group calling themselves "the tyrannicides", that have been plaguing

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Honor Above All Else final chapter

"some one has got to have heard about this plague and who made it, it's our home's only chance..."

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Iconoclast reboot part 5

There is nowhere to go, everyone you meet might carry death, if it has not found you already-_ i check my notes- "wait, don't tell me- the thrassian plague the was over 2000 years ago. before the khajiit had 16 kingdoms, but after were only the two."

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