Chapter 20: Dani'h'

Story by Naveronasis on SoFurry

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Chapter 20: Dani'h'

Anoran customs permit that adults only eat meat hunted by their own hands on the day of the 'Dani'h'. Since the enactment of the hunting ban, the quarterly holiday has become a day of fasting. Now, long after watchers light near the stroke of midnight the smell of freshly cooked meat fills the pitch black streets of Aht'Regania. Anorans emerge from the forest, Kyra among them, and gather in the market square.

Rows of tables fill the square spilling out into the streets. The fountain has been shut down, its water frozen, and in its place, a large pyre of wood for a bonfire has been erected waiting to be lit. An awning has been built around the perimeter of the square facing inward, open towards the unlit fire to help contain heat and cut down on the wind.

One by one Anorans file in and take seats where ever they can. During the 'Dani'h' all Anorans are considered at a base value to be equal with each owing anything they have above one another to their own 'strength'. As it pertains to seating, this means first come, first serve. Volunteers and Anorans who chose to camp out for a good seat rather than spending the day in reflection or with family fill a hand full of tables front and center as the town folk arrive.

Clothed, smiling, and walking at a brisk pace Kyra finds much to her delight she is among the first to arrive earning her a spot along the water's edge. She admires her blue and white ribbon bracelet while she waits as others file in and fill empty seats.

Soon the whole square is filled with Anoran's. As the seats run out they begin to take to standing in the isles. To the back of the plaza opposite of the head table, and Kyra a wide path is left open for organizers to get in and out of the area, this part is kept clear.

Keeta, Lady Manon, Heroth, Jereth the Guard Captain, and Cevic Chieftain of the Ieza file in and take a seat at the head table front and center, except for Cevic who remains standing. Keeta, Jereth, and Cevic are each Ieza; Manon and Heroth Rohean; and no one to represent the Airet generating some hushed criticisms from the Airet in the audience.

The sight of them sends the Anorans to their feet with speculative conversations abound for the occasion.

Standing at the front of the fountain is the Chieftan of the Ieza 'Cevic'. He raises a paw into the air. Mothers hush their children, friends hush each other, everyone turns their attention front and center. Like a gentle gust of air on a calm day, silence comes over the crowd.

Once Cevic is pleased with silence he clears his throat and begins to speak. "Welcome, welcome, don't worry, you won't get a second lecture on Miran from me." He places his paw on Preceptor Heroth's shoulder Pacing behind those left seated at the head table.

Heroth, his face remaining unchanged, does not turn to face Cevic.

Cevic continues. "On the darkest day of winter we Anorans celebrate one of our most cherished holidays, also it marks the start of the new year. What will our 77th year bring us as a nation? Good fortune? I should hope anyway." he pauses letting the crowd settle. "Why just a year ago I was here among the trade quarter with the rest of you, and now one year later appointed Chieftan of the Ieza after my brother decided to decline the role. Perhaps great things await all of you for the next year?"

Some modest cheering spreads as many Anoran's particularly the Airet and Ieza seem pleased with tidings from the Chieftan.

Cevic motions for them to settle, the crowd obliges and he continues. "I would like of course to welcome my esteemed guests, Preceptor Heroth head of the state library and foremost scholar on the teachings of Miran. Jereth the head of the guard a great military leader and personal friend?" he poses in the tone of a question.

Jereth rolls his eyes but says nothing.

Cevic moves towards Keeta and Manon. "The mother of Aht'Regania, Honorable Keeta Iezan, great-granddaughter of Chieftain Oloron Iezan."

Keeta stands and bows eliciting an uproarious cheer from large portions of the crowd. Particularly the stained and Rohean. She raises her paw and the audience once again comes to order.

Cevec approaches Lady Manon, extending his paw helping her to her feet. Once Manon is standing he takes his turn on one knee. Lady Manon bows her head and extends a paw helping him back to his feet. Cevic Salutes her then speaks. "Finally, Lady Manon, the cousin of Arbitor Anora, head scribe, and official Anointed Adjudicator of Aht'Regania."

This elicits a strong reaction from primarily from the Rohean in the crowd.

Cevic helps her back to her seat then says to the crowd. "Which brings me to matters of state."

The audience mumbles amongst one another.


"Word from the capital I suppose."

"I bet the Tanoi are up to no good again."

"I for one would like to see trade with the far north."

Kyra, enjoying the spectacle only a few tables away, has been able to stay in her seat due to its position on the water's edge. I wonder if he's going to talk about the hunting treaty. It hadn't until now occurred to her that this may not be a matter on which the public is fully aware.

Lady Manon gives Cevic a dirty look but he ignores her.

Cevic stands on his chair so that everyone can see and hear him. "I may not be the youngest chieftain on the council, but I am the newest. With my addition the decision to move ahead on renegotiation's is unanimous!"

The crowd cheers loudest yet.

Cevic waves his paw at them and continues to speak. "But, the Arbiter refuses to listen! She dismissed the motion to hold talks even among our own. This is a violation of our rights as Anorans!"

This time the reaction of the crowd is mixed, with both cheers and boos. The jeering split among those dissatisfied with Anora's decision, and those dissatisfied with Cevic's opposition to her.

Cevic steps up onto the table, this time eliciting dirty looks from Keeta and Heroth. "But I will not stand for this! I will continue to press the matter until our voices are heard. 'Arbitor' means arbitrate! Not rule over your people with an iron fist. She is our guiding force, not our divine lord, leave such notions of absolute authority to the Tanoi!"

The crowd becomes even more upset, arguments break out among groups of strangers, Cevic's words now being drowned out as a result. The content of which are being spread by a game of telephone from one Anoran to another.

Lady Manon thuds her elbow dramatically into the table and leans her head on her paw, looking up at Cevic extremely dissatisfied with him.

The vibration in the table catches Cevic's attention. He looks down searching for the cause of the disturbance. He sees her looking back at him. Cevic tries now to show it, but the effect of her scorn changes his demeanor. He again throws his paws up motioning for the audience to become silent. After a while, the crowd complies. "I mean no disrespect, I simply mean to say... As far as I am concerned the matter is not closed and I will continue to carry out the will of the Ieza." He bows and salutes the crowd. "Now let the new year begin!" he spins on his heels and waves to the attendant by the bonfire.

The attendant in turn waves to the bell tower by the square. The bells ring out sounding in the new year and from the path north of the fountain over a dozen Anorans carrying torches emerge into the square and light the fire.

The crowd cheers and people begin to return to their seats. The volunteers take their torches and disburse into the streets lighting the town. Dozens more push out enormous carts filled with bowls of stew and begin to serve the crowd. More follow with carts of wine and ale.

Kyra the light of the fire illuminates Kyra's face as she happily awaits her turn to be served. One of the volunteers approaches her table with a platter full of bowls. The server none other than Keeta's daughter Meidah, for once she is wearing an ordinary outfit allowing her arms and head to be exposed, her stained fur pattern free for all to see.

She serves the table graciously then turns to Kyra. "How's your day going Kyra?"

Kyra smiles. "Fine, good actually. I went to the sermon and everything."

Meidah sets down a bowl in front of Kyra and smiles back at her. "Good, good. Mother would like you to come to the back door of The Table after the meal she has something she would like to talk with you about before you go to bed.

Kyra nods then asks. "May I?" she offers up her cup, the one intended for Ale.

Still, with a smile on her face Meidah crosses her arms. "Kyra, you know what mother would say."

Kyra protests holding up her arm and pointing to her ribbons. "I'm an adult now see?"

Meidah rolls her eyes. "Yeah, and I'm a full blooded Rohean."

Kyra withdraws the cup and sighs. "Fine, I'll take water."

Meidah pours her an ale anyway. "Just one, don't tell mother or I will find and beat you myself."

Kyra pulls the cup close to her. "Thanks!"

Kyra chows down her stew. The late freeze this winter made for better trade conditions, as a result, no expense was spared for the feast. The additional seasoning, vegetables, and generous cuts of higher quality meat make this one of the better bowls she's eaten in a long time. Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves.

"Dear," one of the Ieza women at Kyra's table speaks to her. "what did you think of Cevic's speech?"

Kyra looks up from her meal. "I, don't really know actually. I don't agree with the hunting ban but, Arbitor Anora is a great leader. I'm sure she has a good reason."

One of the Airet men further down the table leans forward. "A good reason? What is a good reason to ignore the Chieftains."

Kyra argues with him. "I don't know maybe she already has a plan to let us hunt again and meeting with the Chieftains isn't necessary."

He counters her speculation. "You think after over 30 years she is going to change now?"

The lady who initiated the conversation chimes in. "He has a point, dear."

Kyra frowns. "You asked me what I think and I told you. I don't know why you're even arguing with me. I said I would rather we be allowed to hunt as Miran intended, as is our right."

The lady smiles. "You're parents raised you well."

Of course, the lady had no idea Kyra was an orphan, or perhaps she would have chosen a compliment of a different kind. None the less Kyra smiles back at her.

A Rohean man behind them who had been listening in decides to add his piece. "I don't know I mean, maybe the girl has a point? Anora and her mother did a lot to provide for us. I don't recall any starvation since the time of the plague. Not like before the war. Seems to me like this arrangement has kept us safe and well fed. Perhaps she does know better than the Chieftains. Cevic seems like a right ass if you ask me."

Kyra first to speak. "That's not what I meant-" her words are cut off by the Airet.

He shouts at the Rohean man. "My parent's died to provide for yours. The Airet had a legacy of hunting for the Anoran people and what thanks do we get? Our livelihood uprooted entirely by the Arbitor and with nothing to replace it. I expect any day now the Coast of Gales to declare it's independence."

Kyra keeps her head down enjoying her stew as the two of them go back and forth. A volunteer wonders by with a cart handing out seconds. Kyra flags her down.

"Thank you!" Kyra smiles and enjoys a second helping.

The night went on like this as the town people enjoyed a spectacular feast. Cheers, singing, and occasional arguments. After a few too many several of the men took off their clothes and formed a circle around the bonfire and began singing folk songs. The women sat along the waters edge cheering them on as such displays during the holiday were not forbidden as they usually would have been.

Late into the night as the crowd begins to disburse Kyra makes her way as requested to The Table.

"Come in, Come in." Keeta welcomes her.

The kitchen a complete and total disaster as The Table was among one of the top producers of stew for the holiday feast. The room is still packed full of workers scrubbing pots and bowls as they arrive by the cart full. Even the dining hall had been re-purposed to prepare food.

Keeta embraces Kyra in her arms. "Let's go upstairs where we can have a bit of peace and quiet."

Kyra nods and follows.

The upper floor of The Table is a rare sight in Anoran culture. A large single room spanning the length of the building it is a private residence. The practice of private residency has recently become popular among the heads of establishments in the city allowing for their proprietors to better guard themselves and the business from would be thieves. Even so, as social living is the norm in Anoran culture may still have a close ring of friends with which they choose to share a residence with.

This was not the case for Keeta and Rozen. They have kept their home to themselves. Rarely challenged to explain the matter, it was known to Kyra and imagined by the public, that this had as much to do with their multi-racial status as it did with the business.

"Come here I would like to give you something." Keeta says as she walks Kyra across the residence to a table with brushes and other keepsakes.

Kyra had rarely been in Keet's actual home. She looks around the room. Fine woven blankets dress the walls placed carefully to keep the noise down from the hall below. A modest bed filling one corner of the room for the family.

"You want to give me something?" Kyra says nervously.

"Give me your paw." Keeta holds out her own without revealing what's inside.

Slowly Keeta places something soft in Kyras grasp revealing it slowly.

"A ribbon..." Kyra looks over the white ribbon. A ceremonial bracelet from years past. She thumbs over the stale old cloth it appears to be quite old. The Anorans also only added the blue ribbon after the time of the plague. Long ago they guards would write your name on the ceremonial ribbon, but often this was enough to establish family ties so in the interest of anonymity they converted to marked stones some years ago. Written on the cloth in faded ink is a name. "Meidah." Kyra says reading it.

"M'hm" Keeta says in agreement. "I want you to have this. It may not be as good as a real bracelet. But I want you to know Kyra, I believe in you.

Kyra closes her paw around it and hugs Keeta. "I know." releasing her she asks. "But why give me your daughter's old ribbon? I don't understand."

Keeta smiles. "Kyra, you and I know, I can't do much to change your situation. I feel for you. You work hard and after the way your winter has been going I wanted to do what I could to lift your spirits. I'm sure with the work you're putting in you will eventually get recognized as an honorable citizen." Keeta sits at the small table and lets her hair down. "Come here." Keeta pats a small stool in front of her.

Kyra approaches and sits in front of her.

Keeta begins to brush Kyra's hair. "I hate to say it, but it may take a few years to be recognized if ever. I know you have rejected my offers before, but I would be more than willing to take you on here as one of my servants."

Kyra says. "I know, I just want to do it on my own for as long as I can. I think that's the best way to prove I can take care of myself isn't it?"

Keeta continues brushing. "Shh, enough about all that. I wanted to give you that bracelet as a gesture. That at least for tonight you are one of us. If you would like I invite you to stay here with the family."

Kyra turns to face her. "Really?"

"Just for tonight, besides Whitehall is sure to be full and I don't want you to have to spend it alone."

Kyra hugs her. "Thanks."

Keeta pats her on the back. "One more thing, you can keep that ribbon. It wasn't my daughters anyway."

Kyra's eye go wide. There is only one other Meidah I know of. "Please don't tell me this is Arbiter Anora's ribbon. You can't be serious."

Keeta smiles devilishly. "It sure is, I thought you might appreciate it."

Kyra stares at it in her paw, trembling. Several seconds pass and a tear rolls down her eye. To hold something so close to the Arbitor. She is overcome with both feelings of gratitude, but also feelings that she does not deserve such a thing. A tear rolls down her face. She hugs Keeta with all her might.

"There, there. Come on. No need for that." Keeta pats her softly.

As they sit there in their embrace the door opens and Rozen bursts in with their daughter in tow. "Finally, what a day." he says stretching. "Oh, Kyra you made it."

Kyra drys her eyes on her arm and welcomes him. "Thank you for letting me stay here."

"Not a problem, anyway, dear I left the boys in charge downstairs we reopen in six hours but Tolauf will be there to oversee things until the lunch hour so we will be in no rush to get up in the morning."

Keeta lets Kyra loose. "Excellent. I could use a good night's rest." She helps Rozen and Meidah change and get ready for bed. "Can you believe Cevic, I can't believe he used tonight of all nights to bring up the council."

Rozen sighs. "I don't really want to get into it, you know how I feel about the ban, I don't like it. But yes, I agree, bringing it up was in poor taste."

Keeta smiles back smugly. "One of these days I'm going to have to take Meidah up on her offer to come see the new castle, and I'm going to take you with me and you can tell her yourself what you think of the ban."

Rozen grabs hold of Keeta playfully acting the part of an angry husband in jest. "Your, lucky I love you so much." He hugs her with his enormous arms resting her head on his chest.

Keeta sasses him back. "I'm the lucky one? Just remember if I left you which one of us would end up back in the streets."

Kyra stifles a laugh but Rozen catches it.

"Not you too." he says.

Kyra smiles back at him and says. "Don't worry Rozen, you could come stay with me and Minetz."

They all have a good laugh. Soon they lanterns are put out and the four of them settle snugly into bed.

End Chapter 20