Memorial to a Coyote

"all wars are losses, losses for fathers of these men, for their wives in raising a family, losses in productivity at the job. and losses for all god's creation.

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Wheel of Transformation

50% age loss 75% age loss regression blitz 25% size loss 50% size loss 75% size loss shrinking blitz "now then everyone here should already know how this works!"

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The Last Game of the Master Domino Player

Wrote this a while ago in the same week i experienced a tragic and personally devastating loss, the loss of my grandfather. this poem was a tribute to him and it won't be the last one i have to post out of my backlog.

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The Human Species - BAD END II: 'Negligence'

With the loss of celebi, the second generation was met with increasingly bad crops. the loss of lugia caused a widespread drought which only served to make matters worse, eventually leading to worldwide starvation.

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Beyond The Horizon: Rebuilding

However, it needs to be said that many of you have suffered a loss. not every loss is a death and not every wound will heal. the coming days will not be easy.

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A Trap I Laid

What loss! what loss? and who to claim a loss today? is it you? it is not i. i praise the change, and beg it hither. i've been lonely for so long-- and my mind is a fox. alone, a man... and how, alone, i wither.

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Bursting Bubbles

These losses sting, an undercurrent of pain that you feel you should understand and yet cannot. why have you been abandoned? why is your board emptier than before?

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Videolog 1-1

I have developed a weight-loss pill, plain and simple. i know what you must be thinking. there are tons of weight loss formulas out there. why haven't i just found one that works for me? well, the answer to that is that i am smart.

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Fuzzy Form

Their faces of loss or inevitable fate turn to hope and calm acceptance after they laugh and play with this fuzzy furred form. tears i long held fall, memories of my own loss years passed, during even children's smile.

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The Draconian Story Prologue

He was too devastated by the loss, and couldn't hear any other wails, but he still could hear avila's faint cry near him.

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Short Stories: Why Exist? Part 2

In lake of despair filled with drowned and suppressed memories were there one in particular prior to the loss of his brother that was at least devastating; the loss of another beloved guardian, his dead boyfriend mark, the collie.

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