A Pirate's Life: Rising Tide (Part 2)
He smiled, leaned back, and reached over to twist the knob on the oil lamp, dimming it to a dull light, perfect for drifting off to sleep.
August 8: Sleepover
Tora turned off the lamp, and both of us drifted off to sleep.
Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 39: The Touch You Missed
Blood was dripping into the floor, the colour intensified by the sole lamp above him. "three hundred..." the cry went softer as his voice wavered. "th-thirty..."
One rule that caught her attention, however, was one near the bottom involving street lamps: 'if one is caught touching the street lamps during night hours, or taking the candles out during the day, he/she will have their thumbs removed and will spend
Venturing: Probel Rings
As ozkun questioned me while he turned around and heed straight towards the lamp source again, i wanted to object and have him stay close. remembering a morality lesson from somewhere about greed.
Chapter 5: Getting Settled
Flora switched off the reading lamp and closed her eyes. she didn't go to sleep immediately but listened to the mouse's breathing to hear whether she was able to sleep with this new arrangement.
Venturing: Probel Rings
As ozkun questioned me while he turned around and heed straight towards the lamp source again, i wanted to object and have him stay close. remembering a morality lesson from somewhere about greed.
Presto - Prologue
He glanced at the glowing, muted television on the counter to his right, and then squinted back at the blazing spotlight cast by the lone desk lamp onto the narrow, cluttered, built-in, desktop-dining table - the main feature of the laughably small
Fast Casting (Otherwise Untitled)
~ slumping back into the stool and resting an arm on a mop handle, "when that lamp's owner comes for you and kills you to get it, forget you know where i am."
A Stranger in Suburbia (An Interactive Story) - Prologue (9)
It washes over the street, held only at bay by a smattering of street lamps. what little you can see consists of multiple identical building blocks. the streets are empty. you feel a little cold.
Victor stumbled around the dark room looking for the on switch on his lamp "hnng...there it is." the wolf pressed the button and when he looked up he saw a person standing there "holy mother fu- oh."
Turn it Over (Otherwise Untitled)
I should be on site in less than...", suddenly cutting her report short when the illumination of her suit's several lamps cut out abruptly. with a slow exhale, mac could hear her own breath, her own heartbeat, and soft creaking from the suits joints.