Changes of the eclipse: Chapter 10
They kidnapped me from school nathan." he stood there with a horrified look on his face, "g-garret? how the hell could they kidnap you!!! i swear if i get the chance i will tear them apart!!"
Through the Looking Glass: Penance: Chapter 5-B
This meant that shifu was able to travel much faster and keep up with the person who had kidnapped cream with greater ease. this tactic eventually found itself losing substance as they went up the sloped road, however.
TRTTD - Chapter 4: There's always a Flaw
If i run away with you, they'll believe that i actually kidnapped you. the police would catch us within hours... and then there's no chance that you can live here anymore."
She Woke Up In The Woods
You complete idiot, you let yourself get fucking kidnapped. your friends have been disappearing and somehow you thought you'd be okay. somehow you thought... and he broke your fucking ankle!"
The Secret Laboratory
The plot is: a 29 year old boy gets kidnapped and wakes in a strange laboratory, he is laying on a hospital bed and has a grey jumpsuit on.
GoD-Ep18-Copy cat-
The next area had opened up in the dream world the prideful castle, the 17 floor castle where rachel was kidnapped and taken to.
All Bucked Up (Pt. 1)
**All Bucked Up** Raider walked slowly across the Canadian tundra. He was an average wolf, not too big but not too small. He had a grey top coat with a white underbelly, and the most striking amber eyes you have ever seen. He was searching for a...
V Stands For Victor
"anyways," she looked around the dungeon they were in, "you weren't kidnapped, but did you kidnap this girl?" "nothing like that," victor quickly blurted out. "it's true, i did come on my own volition.
"kidnapping." the raccoon replied plainly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "so, let me get this straight..." yuuki grumbled in bewilderment, not even wanting to look at his partner.
The Morphlings: IMPORTANT NOTE!
It follows a boy who has had his brother and sister kidnapped and he is out to save them, while at it trying to stop a war between the two races. there is going to be a ton of pairings as the story progresses.
The Backstory of The Eye of The Fancy
Thus, the wizard apprentice turned death himself, ravaged the seas, until he was one day tamed by a dragoness, only for her to be kidnapped, and he still looks for her to this very day.
A Dragon for Christmas Part Five: A New Life
His eyes opened immediately and stared right into the eyes of laura and roger, the wolf couple who had kidnapped him. they got on either side of him and lifted him off the floor. they headed to the open door and into the house.