Journey to another world ch33
#30 of pokemon journey to another world journey to another world 3 ch. 3 though he didn't really shout. it was actually his voice echoing off the walls that seemed to travel on forever.
Journey to another world ch32
#29 of pokemon journey to another world journey to another world 3 ch. 2 for the remainder of the night i decided to keep both the girls in their balls. as i sat on the edge of the bed and cried.
Journey to another world ch31
#28 of pokemon journey to another world journey to another world 3 ch. 1 things had been very interesting since i had first come to the pokemon world.
Journey to another world ch30
#27 of pokemon journey to another world journey to another world 2 ch. 11 "i am sorry sir but from this point on, you'll have to ride a bike down to the end of cycle road." the girl said.
Journey to another world ch25
#23 of pokemon journey to another world journey to another world 2 ch. 6 a resounding boom filled the cave as rena hit the rock right on target. the sound was so loud that it was almost defining.
Journey to another world ch21
#20 of pokemon journey to another world journey to another world 2 ch. 2 so after checking the map one more time we walked outside the pokemon center. i walked over to a bench at the edge of the street and sat down.
Journey to another wold ch19
#18 of pokemon journey to another world ch. 19 and with that the dream ended. i opened my eyes to see a young trainer shaking me. "hay ok?" i looked at the kid. he seemed to be a couple years younger than me. "ya kid.
Journey to another world ch18
#17 of pokemon journey to another world ch. 18 i don't know how long we spent under that old tree together but it felt like eternity there spent with my love. me making such sweet love to the beautiful jenavee.
Journey to another wold ch17
#16 of pokemon journey to another world ch. 17 what i saw really caught me off guard. there was jenavee in the small stream with a feebas on top of her head. i just stood there with a look of what in the world happened.
Journey to another world ch16
#15 of pokemon journey to another world ch. 16 so with that we walked out of the pokemon center and started to look around for someone to challenge.
Journey to another world ch15
#14 of pokemon journey to another world ch. 15 i slowly came to my senses to someone or something shaking me. i slowly open my eyes to meet those of a teary eyed kirlia. "ok their jenavee, you don't need to shake me so hard."
Journey to another world ch12
#12 of pokemon journey to another world ch. 12 we arrived at the center a little before day break.