Happy Anniversary - Chapter 6.5
#7 of happy anniversary part 6.5 of happy anniversary **happy anniversary** **chapter 6.5** the rest of the time was spent chatting with alastair and vivian, the married
Sweet Dreams and Happy Endings
Sweet dreams and happy endings, to us all...
The Gay Goth Dog: CHAPTER 12: Reflections of Passion
Than i would have to go home. and back to school the next day. but i will always remember her loving happy smile. her warm hugs and how she alwa....
Puppies and Flowers
I'm happy for you." kendall was still burning from embarrassment.
That Gay Goth Dog: CHAPTER 14: Ment To Be. (part 2) Pain (part 2)
**Some nights I stay up cashing in my bad luck Some nights I call it a draw Some nights I wish that my lips could build a castle Some nights I wish they'd just fall off** Rang out as Some Nights by Fun started playing in my car. Hayden looked...
happy, but she wouldn't use the word jolly. the mare went to her normal routine as a cashier at the corner store. she felt more of a scowl at the greasy grubby furs that came in there.
Birthday Surprise
"it's just...i know that everyone is happy for me, and they're all saying it to me, but it kinda feels like they're either doing it out of sympathy, or they're doing it because they feel forced or something, like they feel obligated to say 'happy birthday'
The Time of My Life Chapter 9 -- Waking, Shopping, and Chillaxing
CHAPTER 9 This chapter starts where Radin is in the hospital from last night's accident. This story will be compressed into three segments. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *...
Hazel The Blue Nosed Vixen [Rudolph Parody Lyrics]
Hazel the blue nosed vixen had a very shiny nose! And if you ever saw her you would even say it glows All of the other furries use to laugh and call her names They never let poor Hazel join in any furry games! Then one foggy Christmas eve,...
Cuddles to Go
Percy rubbed his paws on the steering wheel and looked at james with happy eyes. "i love you so much, james. you have no idea."
A Perfect Winter Holiday
Even in the weeks leading up to this moment, there had been more of a bounce in his step, and a more relaxed personality about her brother that she couldn't **possibly** ignore...and it made her happy to see it.
POKE'MON MYSTERY DUNGEON ADVENTURES Chapter 9 : Our Final Adventure : Vector's Farewell
#8 of pokemon mystery dungeon series in this chapter it look as tho this might turned into a sad and unhappy ending but just like all mystery dungeon game series thus far that it has a happy ending where the main character comes back for more adventures.