The Family Vulpes Chp3
Granted i have two more "primary' characters down the road, but one is being established in the present, and the other has been established enough in the previous two fics.
A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:49
That was one of the big reasons i wanted to have this fic done before the holidays entirely, but you know....the best laid plans and all that. between issues with my arm, and a variety of other excuses things went slower than expected.
The Family Vulpes Chp5
Between being homeless for six months, and then spending the rest of the year trying to get a footing again, the fic was on the backburner for quite some time. hopefully there won't be as long of a delay between this and the next installment.
Spyro's Old Flame: Chapter 14 - Going Home (Final Chapter!)
It started out as a little fic for a friend, just a few pages to go with draktau's amazing part. it grew into a 140 000 word mega-project.