The Ballad of Terry Chaplet
That meant me and terry, still a infant in arms, goin to live on our aunt and uncle's farm on route 15 'tween beemis and last wolf hill.
Capacity Test
He was about to be next on the list of blobs on the fat farm which his friends ran.
My Little A.I. (Ponies rule the Internet)
The whole farm had hit one hundred percent for a minuscule amount of time and then settled down happily, as though startled by a loud noise!
The Adventures of Mike Stormwolf, in Equestria
Now for the combined projects we are working on between brandon, devo and myself, now we have arranged and designed several bits of equipment that will help make the farming a little easier, like combines, planters and such, but each is fuled by solar power
Dragon Age: Furry- Chapter 1: Chances of Luck
The grass is still covered in the morning dew, and the cows are all over the yard of a small farm.
Hoe Sweet Farm 2 Chapter 3 "What Is Sex"
Home sweet farm 2: mecha warrior chapter 3 the next morning everyone was so joyful and happy especially kevin and katie. after last nights events they had promised never to leave each others side.
prolouge:slaves we are not
The farm owner kept me and sold my parents off. all the work i did was worth 2 meals a day and a bed.
Ardring - Chapter 6
He shut out that sensation, trying to focus on the thoughts that he just remembered about the farm. the farm. he could barely picture it now. the rolling green fields, the rows upon rows of dirt, that would grow into crops.
A Valentine's Day Surprise
They lived near a farm, so that must be where the next clue was. he quickly got up and got dressed. alpha quickly ran downstairs and saw a plate of toast on the counter with a note beside it.
How I Became a Dragon (transformation and fat furs)
He cleared his throat, 'this is the story of my gluttony whilst working on a farm not far from here, and how my greed and laziness got me turned into a dragon.' \* 'it all started on a farm many miles from here.
Realms of Valeron - Chapter 2
"why does a sleepy farming village have an old warlock's tower?" "they need to put the vampire somewhere" she replied.
A trade Commission-The most painful things happen to the innocent ones
The trip to the farm was relatively easy and uneventful noticing that everything seemed quiet on the outside with the horses and other farm animals having been let out for the morning.