Two Tails,One Heart [Pt.1]

.\<3_] [- _i'm positive there is alot of spelling and grammar errors,which i shall fix later,but for now,i hope you guys enjoy the story! hooray for the cheesey line at the end! sorry if i made it a bit of a cliffhanger,again!

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my new life

Try to get as many posts as possible for the weeks to come, and don't think i forgot about the story i'm writing. you know the one, the one that foxohki deleted and i'm gonna rewrite. technically it's not forgery or copyright since i'm correcting spelling errors


Canvas and Melody - Chapter 1 - Fixed

#3 of canvas and melody sofurry glitched and didn't upload it right yesterday, here's hoping it doesn't error tonight.

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The Great War,hell Division, Heroes of the Dovahreich: chapter 1

And soon lights starts to blink red and computer shouting error! error!.hearth failure detected. doomfond: what is happening! did you not have this test subjects under control!? doctor: well...i.thou.. domfond: stop talking gibberish words and save them!

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"The Thin Line," Part O

Unfortunately, the night was too dark, and they shot another sergeant in error instead.

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Shattered Demensions: Vex

Pressing all the buttons, kay saw it come up with an error symbol. frowning, she tried it again. error. sighing, kay just typed her own name in and pressed a button called 'enter'. would it transport her into the strange device? she hoped it would.

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The Big Present

I have difficulties with this language, if you see errors, put a comment with the errors and correct them. i try to do my best for making that the people enjoys my stories. all the character are created by fa user with his permission.

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A Pleasant Coming Out (Revised)

I mean, there had been a blatant continuity error in that movie and he didn't catch it! "dude, the car that guy was in had the windows open and here they're closed!" i exclaimed triumphantly.

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Simulation Realities: Beginning of Blue Giant

'there is no error because the area has been cut off.'

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Project Zolaris: Ch. 4

File error. unable to read file lable "four horsemen" error in system mainframe. self destruct initiated, five-minute countdown. gritting his teeth, zolaris turned and ran from the room, rushing for his crew. "get the boxes, lets get out of here."

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Make Room

"thats a big margin of error", said reg. "not more than a rounding error", replied lance. "it is difficult to determine how much mass is involved, since most of it was already part of the ship before it was re-purposed here."

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The Patchwork Soldier Part VIII

My hud was flooded with error warnings. system error high level emp dischargecharge. main systems offemerroreroe-34904dflasdfkjdfal;djelkjowjjl... static washed over the display, and my entire suit went dead. i tried to move.

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