The Big Present
This one of my stories that I made. I have difficulties with this language, if you see errors, put a comment with the errors and correct them. I try to do my best for making that the people enjoys my stories. All the character are created by FA user with his permission.
Warning: Contains a lot of vore. If you don't like, don't read it.
After a big storm on the night and the day arrived. Connor was awakened by the rays of the bright sun.Today is a special day for him and he wished that all his friends could remember this special day. Connor was a Snivy, but he could change his appearance and fighting style when necessary. Connor went to look for their friends to play and train together. In a large plain, Connor found Lillian watching Sola against Luno train.
"Hello guys? What's up?" says Connor saluting to his friends.
They stopped and Lillian yawned by how boring the fight was and smiled slightly to Connor.
"Hi Connor! Good morning!" says Sola, approaching Connor accompanied by Luno. "Good morning..." says Lillian yawning. . Suddenly they heard shouts of protest in Lilliar's stomach.
"Lilliar, I'm tired when I have to tell you; when we are training don't eat me! Get me out of here!!!" says a feminine voice inside of her stomach. "Lilliar's Eaten Mina again?" says Connor. "She always does every time you train with her, but can not stand the temptation of eating them" Luno said laughing while Mina protests inside of Lilliar's stomach.
Lilliar pulled out to Mina of her stomach covered of saliva.
"Oh, hello Connor, good morning..." says Mina, removing her saliva from her body. "It seems that I always find you inside in a stomach" says Connor laughing. "Haha ... very funny" says Mina sarcastically laughing. "You know what today is?" Connor said happy. "Today is a splendid day to train!" says Sola. "If you're right, let's continue training" says Luno. The two pokémon continue their training. "For me every day is the same" says Lillian to Connor while looking up at Mina. Mina was licking her lips. "And you Mina?" says Connor, hoping that she remember. "For me ..." says Mina, but behind her, Lillian drooled again and she tried to eat her againr. "Time to get back at Lillian!" Mina said angrily.
Mina dealt him one Aura Sphere on his face and a powerful Force Palm in her stomach making her body slammed against a tree very wildly. Connor was surprised. Nobody remembered it was his birthday. Connor with a sad look on his friends walked away leaving them alone. When Connor was gone, Mina and her friends joined her.
"Well, today is Connor's birthday . You know what you're going to give him?" says Mina. "I don't know, how about a box of chocolate berries?" says Luno. After a few minutes, Lilliar arrived. "This time you've spent with this attack." says Lilliar with a glare in her face. "You deserve it because you always devour me, instead of train with me. You have any idea what to get Connor?" Mina asked Lilliar. "You wrapped in wrapping paper. He loves to eat preys like us" says Lilliar. "Very funny Lilliar. I Hope you have a great gift to surprise him" says Mina "And what are you going to give him for his birthday?" Sola asked Mina. "It's a secret" says Mina winked to her. "Ok..." says Sola. "Let's go to Shiver's house, he probably went to her house." Says Mina.
Mina started walking and a big shudder came over her body. She stopped, looked back frightened as she saw that his friends gazed at her with a predatory look.
"Why are you looking at me like that? Don't tell me... Again?! I prefer running all the way to Shiver's house, than go inside a warm stomach!" says Mina angry.
"Come on, I just want transport your body safely to Shiver's house..." says Lilliar. "Now it is up to us to care for her... inside our stomachs." says Sola with a grin. "You're right, it's time to change transport..." says Luno licking his lips. "No way!!!" says Mina and starts to run. "Come on, you're too delicious for us to resist eating you!" says Lilliar running behind Mina, with Sola and Luno following behind.
Mina, ran like lightning, not wanting to be in their stomach's. Her friends love to devour her. It was a real addiction. Lilliar pounced above her but, Mina avoided her catch and fell to the ground. Luno passed above of Lilliar, while he ran behind her prey. Lilliar starts to growl very angry by being Luno jumping over her, and starts to run again. Sola and Luno competed to see who could catch, and carry Mina in their stomachs. Mina becomes exhausted and was in danger.
"You're mine!" said Luno drooling a lot. "Out of my way !" said Sola pushing off Luno to win her prey. "MINAAAA!!!!" shouted Lillian running like lightning towards them, with glowing eyes, and started to drool. "We have to catch it before Lilliar!" says Luno. "Ok!" says Sola.
Mina tripped and fell to ground. The two predators tried to catch Mina, but Lillian caught her before them. Mina use substitute to escape from their claws. Luno saw Mina fleeing again and then Luno caught Mina.
"Let me go, Not again!" Mina said trying to escape. "Yes, yes ... now I will carry you in my stomach to Shiver's house" says Luno smiling. Proud of his victory. "Grrrrr..." growls Lilliar in anger at loosing her prey. "I'm exhauted" says Sola.
Luno licked her face and purred for her flavor. Mina struggled to escape, but to no avail. Luno opened her mouth and swallowed his head. Luno quickly devoured Mina. Lilliar and Sola watched him with jealousy as he devoured Mina. Before he started walking again, Sola stopped him.
"Luno, let me carry to Mina in my stomach too. It's a long way ..." says Sola. "Of course, let's go to Shiver's house" says Luno patting his stomach and laughing at Mina's shouts.
While the group was heading towards Shiver's house, Connor had arrived at Shiver's house. He knocked many times but did not answer the door and then he saw a note on the floor under the door.
"I will be back at night, I have a lot of thing to do today." He read.
Disappointed and sad, Connor turned slowly to his house. As the sun set Luno and the others came home from Shiver's house. They rang the bell and Shiver welcomed them.
"I feel a little guilty, but I want to give him a big surprise too" says Shiver.
Everyone gathered at the dining room and Shiver offered cakes and drinks. They began to talk until they heard protests in Sola's stomach.
"Oh, sorry" says Sola sightly. On the way to his house Luno releases Mina from his stomach so she can transport Mina to Sola's stomach. Sola pulled out Mina of her stomach covered of saliva.
"Ugh, thanks..." says Mina. "Mina, come in to the kitchen, I want to talk to you" says Shiver.
Mina follows Shiver in the kitchen.
"what are you going to give him for his birthday?" asked Mina "Me? I have two gifts, one I will tell you and the second is a secret " says Shiver winking her eye. "What is the first ?" asked Mina bit curious. "Come I'll tell you the ear" says Shiver.
Shiver told Mina what his first gift was. Surprised, they began to laugh.
"Shiver, bring us more cakes and drinks, please? Your cakes are delicious!" Shouts Luno from the kitchen. "I'm coming!" shouted Shiver. "I have to go with the others" Mina said Shiver leaving preparing more food and drinks.
After a few minutes, Shiver gave hem more food and drinks. "Here"
"Thanks" they all say happily.
Mina was going to give a gulp of the drink but Shiver stopped her.
"Look" says Shiver pointing to their friends.
Luno, Sola and Lilliar had finished with their drinks. Suddenly, the three began to yawn.
"What weird taste this drink has ... yawn". Lilliar fells first. "Shiver... bostezo... what ..." Sola fells to ground sleeping. "Good night..." says Luno. He sleeps just like an evee puppy
"hehehe... thanks." says Mina in a low voice "No problem" says Shiver winking her eye. "I'll find Conor, andd prepare the gifts and decorations" "Right" says Mina.
Shiver left home and went to Connor's house. Connor was sad that no one will remember his birthday. He went to bed without dinner when suddenly Shiver appeared by the window with a gift in her beak.
"Happy birthday, Connor" says Shiver with a smile. "Shiver, thank you very much!" says Connor hugging her. "You thought that I did not remember? There's is my gift" says Shiver.
Connor quickly opened the gift. Connor was excited. It was a small box and inside was a lot of pictures with all his friends together and full of happiness on their faces along with a lot of chocolates..
"Thanks..." says Conor hugging his gift. "Come on, Mina and the others are waiting" says Shiver.
Connor climbs onto Shiver's back, and went to his house. Mina had finished decorating the house and in the dining room, set a huge gift for Connor. Mina heard the door close and turned off all the lights. Shiver entered the room when Connor and Mina turned on the lights .
"SUPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY CONNOR!" says Mina and Shiver to same time.
Connor was shocked by what they had done, especially that gigantic birthday present. The dining room was full of balloons and full of gifts they had brought their friends including Scale, her dear friend.
"Thank you very much, but where are the others?" asked Connor. "They arrived very soon" says Mina with a grin. "Certainly, this is my gift" says Mina give to him her gift. "Thanks, I love this necklace" says Connor putting the necklace in his neck. "It's a very special necklace. It increases your strength of your attacks and increases the speed and defense in any of your forms" says Mina. "Thanks, I will reward you later..." says licking his lips. Mina feels a little shudder. "Connor open the big present" says Shiver very happy..
Connor opened the big present and was very surprised. Lillian , Luno and Sola were in a large cream pie and all their bodies were full of cream.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" the three of them say at the same time with a forced smile. "Thanks!" says Connor licking his lips.
Mina and Shiver haven't stopped laughing while their friends were protesting about the powerful sleeping pill they had put in the drink. Connor before eating the cake opened the gift from her friend Scale. Your gift was very nice. It was a heart-shaped pendant with his picture and her. The three pokemon trying to get out of the cake, but they were stuck and couldn't get out.
"Where do you go, you three? You three form part of the cake and I'm very hungry..." says Connor changing in Lucario form drooling saliva from his mouth. "What?!" saying the three to the same time. Who's first??" says Connor approched to the cake and his stomach growls very loudly..
The three pokemon looked how Connor approached to them, drooling a lot of saliva..
"You will be the first" Connor said pointing to Lilliar. "Why me? Devour Sola not me! She tasted better than me" shouted Lilliar. "Silence prey. Now your going to my belly." says Connor putting his head in hermouth.
Lillian complains non stop, while Connor devours her body. Connor purrs for her taste and pushed her body further into his throat. Lilliar was squirming, trying to get out of his mouth but is was of no use. Connor licks the last of Lillian's body and pushed her torso and her paws into his mouth. Connor raises his head and finished her, sucking in her tail. Connor lowered his head and with strong gulps, sending to his stomach her body covered with hot saliva. Luno and Sola, gazed at the huge bulge appearing in his stomach and Connor smiled, happy for his two preys.
"Now my second dish" says Connor looking to Luno licking his lips.
Connor opened his mouth and swallowed his head. Luno tried to resist but to no avail. Connor pushed her head toward his throat and began licking her body. Luno realized he could not escape Connor's paws. Connor pushed his body into his mouth and felt the movements Lilliar made and purrs for his movements. Luno feels the walls of Connor's throat, covering his whole body with saliva as it massaged his body. Connor with one of his paws, pushed the rest of his body and the other paw he used to stroke the huge bulge sliding down his neck. Luno was beginning to hear the cries and protests of Lilliar while he going down Connor's throat and resists, trying to escape. Connor raised his head finishing Luno. He sucked his tail and with strong gulps sent him to her stomach. Connor licked the cream covering his paws, and strokes his huge stomach.
"You are satisfied?" says Sola with hoping not to join them. Connor looked to Sola and began taking pieces of pie around her and began to cover her body. "What are you doing?" says Sola confused. "Nothing, I'm covering your body with my cake for a delicious taste and because you are my dessert." says Connor adding more cake in her body. Connor finished with Sola with a cherry on his head. "Perfect, ready to eat" says Connor with a smile. Shiver looked happy as her friend Connor devoured his friends one after another but she also starts to have a bigger appetite and starts to look at Mina hungrily. Mina try to escape to Shiver, but she hugs her in its huge wings.
"I think I'll make a small snack when Connor has finished with Sola..." says Shiver to Mina in her ear. "Gulp, alright..." says Mina trying to escape from their icy wings.
Connor pats his heavy stomach and looked Sola with a smile. Sola feels a big shudder in her body.
"Well, my dear dessert, it's time to join with the others" said Connor grabbing the Espeon and releasing her from the cake. "Mina, I swear that after today, you stay inside my stomach the rest of your life!" Sola said angrily.
Connor raised her dessert and open his mouth. He began to devour Sola's body starting with her tails and leaving only her body from the waist up.Sola trying out the Connor's mouth but she was very sticky to get out of his mouth.. Connor purrs loudly for her sweet flavor that she had, with his paws, he pushed the Sola's body with his tongue licking with his hot saliva. Sola continued to resist, but doing nothing but making Connor purr for the movements. Connor raised his head and engulfed Sola's shoulders leaving only her head visible. filling it with saliva. Sola could not escape, the walls of his throat massaged her body warm and she relaxes completely. Connor closed his mouth leaving Sola in the darkness of his throat and with powerful gulps, Sola went to his stomach with the others. Connor cleaned his paws covered with cake and licked his lips are full of saliva and cream of his dear friends. Connor sat by his heavy and huge stomach and belched slightly patting his belly satisfied. Shiver can't take anymore and began to devour Mina making it to disappear from her mouth to her stomach before Connor noticing.
"Where's Mina?" Connor asked Shiver. "Sorry, I could not withstand the temptation. It gave me envy on how you devoured our friends one by one ..." says Shiver patting his belly where Mina was.
The two started to laughing and Shiver hugged him with her big icy wings.
"Thanks, was the best birthday I've ever had" says Connor hugging back. "Do you want to sleep in my house today? " says Shiver. "Thank you" says Connor. "By the way, I have another gift for you." says Shiver with a smile. "Which gift?" says Connor. "Close your eyes, you'll like it" says Shiver.
Connor closed his eyes and Shiver licking her lips. Shiver opened her beak and devoured his head. Connor opened his eyes and could see darkness. Connor tried to escape her beak but was so full, that he had no strength to fight. Shiver pushed her head to her throat purring for his taste. Connor slowly relaxed for his breath and his warm saliva covered his body. Shiver licked his huge stomach noting that his friends were sleeping in his stomach. Connor was so relaxed that he wanted to meet with Mina in her stomach. Shiver pushed his legs with his wings and lifted his head and finished with Connor. Shiver accommodates to Connor on her stomach with strong gulps.
"You're the best friend of the world, I liked the gift" says Connor patting her stomach walls. "You too are everything to me" says Shiver patting her huge stomach. Mina woke up and saw Connor with his stomach very full and bigger. "Have you enjoyed your gift?" asked Mina. "Yes, thank you. Tomorrow I'll take you home" says Connor hugging Mina and licking her face. "Good night, Shiver" says Mina and Connor. "Night" says Shiver patting her belly.
The next day Shiver and Connor pulled their friends from their stomachs. Lillian and the others went home.