Merlin's Revenge Chapter 19

downtown seattle had always been a priority. large population centers always were. if she went back now she'd have to apologize.


Merlin's Revenge Chapter 18

downtown looked calm from her height. one or two buildings were in blazes but the rest were as yet untouched. she had the thought that the fire crews that had battled the fire to the south were now free to take on the smaller hotspots.


Chapter 1

I was going to link up with my unit near downtown newnan, where my unit and a few resistance fighters were most likely engaging the hostiles judging by the gunfire.

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Midnight Tail- part 1

They were more around the inner downtown and our club was on the outskerts of the downtown district. you see them every now and then but usually never. finally we pulled up to the club.

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Names Long Lost

"we got reports of vandalism back downtown earlier today. said they heard pops and bangs, like firecrackers."

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A Journey Begun - Chapter 17 - Know Your Enemy

" * * * in the taxi, the three of us sat in the back while julio drove us downtown. brandon was between us, and i was getting nervous from the heat he said he was packing.

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My Boyfriend is a Werewolf: Chapter 2

There's no statement on how long that will take, but travelers are advised to take i-5 to get into downtown" he said before he looked off camera. "is it ready?" he asked. they soon cut to a clip of a freeway going into a tunnel.

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Zombie Outbreak Part 1

I creep through the shadows of downtown epson, a large city in new york. i have run into several zombies and easily out maneuvered them.

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Among the Fallen

I recall being an accountant for some law firm in downtown chicago. work always took up most of my life. didn't feel the need to cut back and relax once in a while, figured there'd be plenty of time to unwind once i hit retirement.

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My Furry Valentine Ch. 4

It was late afternoon when edwardia and i left downtown. after lunch, i headed for home. mom was already there, watching soap operas when i walked through the door. "mom, i'm home!" "lisa; how was your day?" "good.

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from darkness to light, chapter 1: the fox and the husky

From darkness to light: chapter 1 by devildog115 (luka de huskeh) note from author: i did not go through this, my oc is acting as a main protagonist, emphasis on acting, enjoy my furries ;) luka de huskeh i look over to the looming skyscrapers of downtown

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Lament of the Moon: S&H - Ch.02: Friendly Unknown - Ep.01

"oh, well, it's a national food company at downtown. i work as a tally worker there. y'know, checking and boxing incoming and outcoming goods?" hazard answered and sasuga's faced brightened. "oh!

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