Anthropia 10

Common peasants subjugated each other purely based on species and diet, it wasn't just between different caste systems! still, the last glimmer of hope for difference that he had clung to had all been a big misunderstanding.

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A New Life: Chapter 1

Grinning, the nurse revealed the second tray, holding a salad and a diet soda. the fox smiled, trying to wag her tail, but getting no motion out of it.

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the Dragomon saga4

"i doubt even a giant could lift him" "jez, he needs to go on a diet!" "i thought that patrick weighed a ton" "gabumon!" "(growl, snarl) just help me move him, i don't need the commentary!"

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KAVUA Chapter 2 - Finding Home

Siara knew she'd have to be accustomed to a raw food diet with no real meat. she made conversation with others, her new language skills still a bit broken due to her nervousness. chief sauntered up to siara and gave her a small hug.

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Wow Character development Lily-Chan

She became more accustomed to human food, taking no notice that the diet and lack of sunlight was slowly lightening her once deep blue skin. she was quiet, it was easy the way, to avoid the boys that found pleasure in her torment.

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Levels (Kreet 49)

She now stood at least four feet tall and was still growing, because she now had a varied and quality diet. no, she wasn't destined for a quiet life with kallid, much as she might wish for it.

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Resolutions - Epilogue - January

"well, i want to keep up a relatively healthy diet and keep getting exercise in my schedule but i was also thinking about learning to go with the flow of things and trying to learn how to accept things in life that i definitely can't change."

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Mina's first change

With that my teeth became pointed, fitting for the only true canine diet: meat. and then my nose turned and it was a revelation. you know, a human might be able to smell, but only a wolf is a true connoisseur.

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Fennix race sheet part 1 (defense and survival)

Behavoir: the fennix are no hunters, they might attempt to catch a mouse or a rat when they see one, but it is not part of their usual diet. much like vultures, these vulpine creatures will consume corpses left by the large predators around them.

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An Era of Chivalry 4 - How To Train Your Raptor

I don't have to eat salads or go on a diet right?" "good lord no, a fine young lad such as thee requires far more nourishment when training.

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Chapter Two - Sympatico

Also," she added, trying to quell her nervousness as sakaki was staring at her in a far from friendly manner, "he should have a more varied diet, not just processed staple food." "indeed.

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Downtime - Ch. 2 (MHO)

We'll each stick to our usual diets until this evening and see how we feel," lykou suggested. "alright?" kuna hesitantly nodded. "w-what if your usual makes you feel sick now, though?"

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