Watch Dogs 4- Be A Man In The Watch
As i left i felt i was being drawn down a corridor, remembering his words i let it take me were it wanted me, finally i walked through a doorway and ended up in a compound in the middle of a wood, i heard a voice bellow out from a building in the middle
Basic Training (1k words)
"everyone else, three laps around the compound! now!" still in shock, everyone else stumbled to their feet, and were out of the door and running down the hall before bobbie noticed they were gone.
Auran OC info
About his senses of smell and taste instead, the subject can detect and distinguish an astonishingly wide variety of different compounds, both organic and inorganic, even at concentrations as low as ~10^(-9) mol/l.
Chapter 1
It also has free room and board if you stay at the compound. i get 4 weeks of paid vacation the company pays for up to 50% of it as long as its not close to a chaos zone.
A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 17 (The Date - Part 3)
He held his arm out for hinata, once she had wrapped her arm round his, he wasted little time in leaving the hyuga compound and getting as far away from her father as possible. "s-so... naruto-kun... what are we doing?" hinata asked timidly.
Videolog 1-1
First compound stable enough for testing on morphkind. test number 1, subject robert lawson, male, seventeen years of age. starting weight, two hundred and thirty pounds, body fat percentage thirty five percent. well.
Moon Scythe - Chapter 3
Shrugging to himself, caseel set out to explore the compound before he went to bed. to be continued.
New Companions
"i am sure you plan on having a city guard separate from any hunter's compound you will have, any specifics on that?" i nod my head, "well a training salle of course.
Fallen Angels, Part Eight - Kisses From a Demon
This brain was mine - a human thing of flesh and fiber and running rampant on a synthetic compound created from one hundred eighty one amino acid residues.
Project X | Prologue: Origins
"if there's anyone in this compound that can do it, it has to be you two." "i see where you're getting at, sir," alexander chimed in.
The Doctors of Doom, Part One
He had brown fur and bulging compound green eyes like a fly. two twitching antennae sprouted from his forehead. there were deep scars radiating out from the center of his face.
A Tail of Two Peoples - The Storm
Likely, he'd had enough to eat before coming and getting stuck in a slave compound. either that, or he was just too afraid to complain about being hungry to a room full of carnivores.