End Of Our Worlds? Not today Chapter 15
His eyes are captivated by the clouds. he knows he saw riku and sora following maleficent through the clouds, but they are no where to be seen now; 'maybe they need help.' he guesses as he extends his wings. "where are you going mickey?"
Across the Divide
The heavy clouds may block the famous sky, on gale's breath towards the blue i'll fly.
Kingdom Hearts 2: finally we get are own adventure !
Tsume ran to cloud and hugged him giving him the puppy dog eyes cloud: why must you torcher me with that look tsume: because i know you cant say no to these eyes cloud: ok fine you can go tsume: yay ! cloud i love you !! jake: yay !
The story of 'Us'
He always hit the cloud behind his back whenever they talked as to not alarm her. yet the cloud grew and soon became impossible to hide.
Merlin's Revenge Chapter 13
Better yet his efforts had not added to the billowing clouds rising from the island. stepping closer glen blasted his breath at the fire again.
Syn and Arial: The Duel
The sky slowly started to darken, storm clouds thundering down the valley.
its scary
Poem about fear of thunder i see the clouds rolling over the horizon, i smell the humidity in the air i say the storms coming and i shiver others ask "why do i care?"
So This is Goodbye
As the plane taxied and headed down the runway the cloud started to cover the break as the plane lifted off the tarmac into the sky and was out of sight.
Sometimes i up to look at the sky and watch as the clouds and birds go by. and i let my mind wander away from the troubles i may face today. what problems i face will come to pass just like these clouds, some slow some fast.
Pt 20 - The Druid's Flight
The magic was another form of that, and she wrapped around his cloud body, helping to ease him up into the blanket of storms that bathed the land.
Heaven's Vixens song book
Come with me and dance with the clouds. count the stars toast the moon. kiss the sunset good night. we'll keep this midnight forever. say a pray make wish and take a step. listen to the melody in the breeze.
Stolen Heart of Fire chapter 15
A single black cloud floated in the sky. even though the weather was bright and sunny outside, the single cloud was black as night. the cloud began to grow and cast a shadow over the scenery before her.