Dragon Changing Scales

In calm understanding i've chosen a lighter shore. the dragon did not wish to destroy itself upon my bow. nor did the beast desire to wreck all the good i had to give. and though it is rage and hate, it still only desired to live.

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28 Ride

A few had chosen computers - as ubiquitous as anything else in this tehcno-magical age - which riled up some traditionalists. a few went even further, with one simply enchanting his car, allowing it to be a ride on land or by sky.

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KoD-Ep2-Existence of the dreamworld-

He gave us the name of the knights of darkness, his personal minions to do his bidding as he leads them as i demetrius was chosen to lead in which i accepted.

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Tutorial (Part 1)

This is why people must be chosen very carefully. things get complicated if the person they call upon refuses," syrion explained. "well, i wasn't really chosen and don't really have choice. i'm just... expected to be an agent.

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Academy of Ancient Arts - INTRO

You are chosen by the gods. but that's only a legend. nothing more but a simple story. you want to hear a legend? i'll tell you a story. but not a simple one. i'll tell you my story.

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"Beasts of Burden" by Sylvan Scott

chosen by god and fate, he will one day rise to assume his father's throne in loyal support to their great emperor.

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Duty Chapter 6

The presence of so much wind energy could only have meant that sharoc had chosen her, but had called forth something truly terrible to test her. most tests he had heard, the dragons couldn't tell which god had chosen the one that had gone inside.

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 2

Are the one chosen to take on the curse... you have had many dreams and ambitions... am i right...? yet... you always find yourself taking on the burdens of others... living for the sake of those around you...

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13 Ash

A few words, poorly chosen at a difficult time. it created a resentment that smoldered, getting just a little hotter with every subsequent misinterpretation of something that, on its own, would be insignificant.

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I have chosen to heal, to die as i see fit, and so i stand, a silent beacon against the night, a candle held... and lit. \

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