So You've Just Become a Werewolf

We've also included some tips and tricks for how to respond to common problems many werewolves find themselves in every on patreondonate a ko-fifollow on twitterdiscord serverget the official calex fan club shirt!

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Eggceptional Get Away: Nystre

As not only does nystre have to put up with this new and strange world, but also has to learn to live with his ditto on patreondonate a ko-fifollow on twitterdiscord serverget the official calex fan club shirt!

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Eggceptional Vacation Getaway: Miken

But it doesn't look like the trainer is a very good on patreondonate a ko-fifollow on twitterdiscord serverget the official calex fan club shirt!

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Eggceptional Get Away: Leif

Being an infant now, leif can't help but feel they're the only adult in the room as they have to deal with a bunch of lunatics and apparently some kind of world filled with on patreondonate a ko-fifollow on twitterdiscord serverget the official calex

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Eggceptional Get Away: Kickaha 2

Support on patreondonate a ko-fifollow on twitterdiscord serverget the official calex fan club shirt! eggceptional get away: kickaha the second get away how had this happened again!?

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Magical Petshop: Kami

Kamibelongs to cwolfcw link to terri's artclick heresupport on patreondonate a ko-fifollow on twitterdiscord serverget the official calex fan club shirt!

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Magical Pet Shop: Trickster

Trickster belongs to trickster9800 link to terri's artlinksupport on patreondonate a ko-fifollow on twitterdiscord serverget the official calex fan club shirt!

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Thirteen Tales (2019): Third Tale

You can see the tracker of the order they're being done in herethirteen tales trackersupport on patreondonate a ko-fifollow on twitterdiscord serverget the official calex fan club shirt! meanwhile at the lair of dr. callyco! "i'm hungry..."

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Thirteen Tales (2019): Second Tale

You can see the tracker of the order they're being done in herethirteen tales trackersupport on patreondonate a ko-fifollow on twitterdiscord serverget the official calex fan club shirt! meanwhile at the lair of dr. callyco "no." dr.

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Springtide: Berry Inconvenient

And wouldn't you know, he finds the tiny ant sized kobold egg containing zeelo along the way.springtide world settingsupport on patreondonate a ko-fifollow on twitterdiscord serverget the official calex shirts!

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Springtide: New Pups in Town

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Kickaha's Day Off

Ko-fi link follow on twittertwitter link join calex's transformation station on discorddiscord server official calex t-shirtsbuy my shirts! physical books and ebooksbuy my book!

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