In The Water, I Am Beautiful
Wish i could do something about it for you buddy." mr. appleby has been there for barry ever since day one. said that barry was "the son he never had".
The Experience (Prologue)
After she exited the room, she could hear mahki say "night little buddy, i love you." and he let out a kiss on his forehead, and exited. leslie slowly closed the door after peaking in.
Under Akkie paws
Feel free to ask buddy. danny froze when he heard calm and beautiful voice said feel free to ask. i don't know how it should i say. akkie lowered the book and gave him paw on the chest, danny with ?
Age Away Day Spa
"are you hungry, buddy?" asked the bear. "yesh dada", gator replied behind his thumb as the two entered a dining area with a single high chair sitting in the middle of the room.
Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 24: Fighting Own Battles
"yeah, just... whoa, your buddy got some quick reflexes there." he said, smiling at tom. "i wasn't trying to strangle you, buddy." "um, what did you do, tom?" the wolf scratched his nape. "i, uh, i kind of took a step back? sorry."
L.A.F.F. Pups Episode 1: Enter the Kellster
"let's hear it," said silver, "whaddya got, buddy?" "well," said nitro, "you know that swing set made of bones?" "which one?" asked silver and tommyfox in unison. tommyfox giggled again.
A Galaxy Divided 2
I haven't seen you in forever, i love you buddy. i'm glad you're still fighting to live. i keep paying your hospital bills to keep you in here. i don't mind it buddy, i would do you do anything for you." "you really care for him don't you," she asked.
The Homeless One(s)
"buddy!" she said then she chuckled and i looked at her. she seemed to find the name playful and the smell of fear had vanished. i smiled at her and she began to hop along happily now that all fear had vanished.
Paraskepite- Chapter Six
"can you tell your cop buddies to stop picking on my niece?!" joseph groaned within himself because he knew where this was leading. "your niece?"
Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 02: Lunchtime Accident
Max laughed at some jokes his buddy said and punched him softly. tom turned his head, afraid of being caught. that interaction was certainly interesting, but that small laugh max let out was definitely more interesting.
Second Chances : Chapter 5
The parking lot is this way buddy." i guess my disappointment was apparent because the way he asked made me quiver, his voice was dripping with concern. concern for me, that i didn't deserve, it tore violently at my heart and emotional defenses.
Kofuku: A World Reborn Chapter One: New beginning
"i'm sorry buddy.." kofuku quickly padded over to the table where his gear rested. he tightened his leather armor over his furry chest and slipping some pants on before his grieves.