Everwinter Ch25: Means of Severing
Now you're just acting like a brainwashed drone." clyde pressed his head against the bars, "the only deluded one around here is avery, and you're just his little brainwashed puppet."
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 3
He had to deal with enough brainwashed freaks to know that aggression doesn't work for them, among the dark army were apes who saw nothing in front of them then the glimmer of gems, they were as brainwashed as these poor sods here, the only difference being
The Giggle Gang
None of that brainwashing stuff that psychics do. oh no. we want you to still be yourself. what we do have... is this." jared could hear leonard making his way behind him, and he couldn't help but instinctively tense up.
Drako Tygon- chapter 3
Maybe psyche found a way to brainwash him, i don't know." i said, "i never asked. so, how was he contained, if he's this powerful psychic?" she answered, "to tell you the truth, i don't know that much about it.
GE:ZAVOS - Prologue: A Shadow Among the Sands
Perhaps it was some kind of alien parasite they had uncovered, or some brainwashing technique. and then that file that was missing. obviously it had been the files detailing this zavos.
Kazufox Interview #1
This is my shurigun eye and it basically lets me mess with peoples brains, brainwash them, find their weak points, and see through walls. \*leon\*: and through clothes.
Chapter Eleven -- Departure
Something about it had bewitched the poor girl, brainwashing her into believing she was in love with a monster. sakaki took a step towards his desk and his shoe crunched on broken glass.
Dragon Storm: Chapter 19: Lazz's Desire and Rio's Feelings!
Now that war wolf is beaten, rio's brainwashing should wear off right kilala?" lazz asked. " yes....but.... why did you go so far out of your way to save him? i thought you had chosen to kill him?" kilala asked.
High school through my eyes: Pt. 12
After losing two of his companions, even in his brainwashed shape, he wanted to feel the euphoria of revenge. feel its hot bloodbath soak his face as he ripped through the meat of marc's exhausted body.
Not Self-Made
To get every fur rallied behind them, in 'civic spirit,' and brainwash them in the process. perhaps get them all in one place at the same time. hence, a parade. and strike there, somehow."
'the board' is trying to use my tea to brainwash the town and ... even furs beyond the town limits. mandy is overseeing the operation. she's come from sheridan, indiana, and she's ... unstable. to say the least.
Life is Just a Storm- Chapter 20- True Colors
"so does that mean that you are trying to brainwash nate then?" will's eyes narrowed. "i don't like the way you and aero accuse me. it's like you all believe i am doing something bad when in fact, i want to help the world," he said calmly.