A Life Without Meaning
I can now enhance armor with the same attribute without damaging or affecting the current armor. i can plate over plate armor, stitch it into robes and leather, that sort of thing. it's a bit pricey though, so it's not entirely viable."
The Truth
He must have been 10 ft tall, wearing dark green armor with gold lining. the armor that he was wearing was just massive in bulk and size, not to mention heavy as hell.
Chapter 1 – The Invasion of Amber
A few of my scouts are saying they saw a column of heavy armor moving toward us from that direction," black said. â "yes sir.
While he was doing this selena was strapping the shin and thigh armour on. "not much left, just the helmet, mask, boots and gauntlets." she turns to the remaining armour. "well you gonna help or not?" he looks to her and laughs.
Meeting Dracasis
The slightly frustrated dragon looked over his current favorite outfit on an armor rack, a set of combination plates and leather armor for the best of mobility and protection.
My Final War
I strapped myself into the armor suit, and as i familiarized myself with the computer system, the armor closed, sealing me in a titanium tomb. i was ready. ready for my final fight.
Mechanical Angels: Chapter 0
The armor was one of the few complete sets, and the only complete three-quarter armor set, in the southern base. 49202 went about checking every piece of the armor to ensure it was all present, and in good quality.
Spiral Nebula - Chapter 18
He kneeled down next to it, more black blood spilling over the empty air its armor created. an eye gazed at yuri, revealed through the lack of armor.
Spiral Nebula - Chapter 23
Much taller and fully armored officers escorted the fox but yuri didn't know who they were. the fox was armored too but his helmet was off allowing his golden eyes to look freely around the hangar and glance over the crew of _drach'n breath_.
Meteorite Slime Friend 20
"sola, your armor is too heavy! my armor is a bit lighter than yours so let me try next." sola's armor then disappeared into yellow sparks with pink sparks replacing it which then turned into nova's traditional armor.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 49
It was an attack from a branch of magic that neither their armors and the dragons themselves weren't prepared to deal with. the scream didn't trigger the shock from the armors, bypassing the defenses since it caused no physical harm.
The Ronin Saint: Chapter One:
The coyote stepped out of the rain and added, "my boddy armor, too, please, jeremiah." "well you better come in." nathaniel's body armor looked like samurai armor, though its basic from was body armor of the early twenty-first century.