
The alicorn gave her a long look, pursing her lips and then tilting her head towards the kitchen. "you want to sit down. we need to talk. it would be better if shine wasn't here to hear it, either."

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Princess Luna - Chapter 2

As i crashed painfully to the tiled bathroom floor, i felt the dinner plate sized hooves of the elder alicorn pass inches above my head, then heard luna's terrified scream, along with the _crash_ of breaking glass!

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Diary of the Dark Sister

It must be very tiresome for her to be doing the job of two alicorns. she'll be happy when i come back. ab month 12 entry 3 she hasn't come for me yet. maybe i calculated the days wrong? that must be it.

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Shadow of Loyalty Chapter 2

But she didn't notice an outline of an alicorn in her dreams.

Changeling Heart: Dinner Night

"lighting knight here came from the land which is still in a civil war," the black alicorn looked to me as i could only nod. "you've fought in this war then lighting knight?" "i have," i answered her with a quick nod.

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MLP-Sanrose- A new World

Twilight spoke up first, breaking the alicorns thought. "so... you have no idea what that thing is in there?" she said with a nod back towards the keep. celestia shook her head.

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MLP: Rise of Nightmares pt 2

A strange feeling was washing over the alicorn once he stepped outside, something otherworldly. rainbow soon joined him and could see upon the stallion's face that something troubled him. "lunar? what's up?" "i don't know rainbow.

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The Guardians of Equestria – Chapter 1 – Awkward Moments, Questions, and Conversations

Since alicorns are a portion of all three types of ponies, they can live forever without the full effects of magic itself... one way to get around this though, is to get a boost of magic through a different source.

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Transcend - Part 2

They were built specifically for earth ponies and pegasi, seeing as unicorns and alicorns used their magic to write. chrysalis frowned for a moment as she slotted the hoofpen back into its place at the front of the book.

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Nightmare, Nightmare Chapter 2

'thank god that alicorns don't need as much sleep.' she thought to herself as she teleported to the kitchen and grabed a glass of milk and a couple pieces of cake since she wasn't in a mood to cook something.


Nightmare, Nightmare Chapter 5

Velvet was glaring at selene, during her rant the unicorn tried to use magic to shut selene up but despite disguise selene is still an alicorn so that went no where and she was too far away to kick.


A Mad Dash Through Time and Space - Chapter Three

While fangs and claws were far more inefficient than his bulldozing might, they were likely infinitely easier for the evil alicorn to enjoy from afar, free from dirtying his own hooves in the murderous process.

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