Welcome to.. Shinzuku City! — Chapter 1 — Part Three

Credits: jason alexander is umbratenebris' character. all ideas, design, and character creation goes to him. author's notes: tokugawa high is much like ashinaka high from k (anime). i'll be adding a part four to this.

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A Old Bloodline Dying Out

Fought for our surival and ill do the same though my world grows darker ill wont let the light in my go out if i do then my family is doomed my grandmother is in denial of our familys current situation but i am not ill fight for our survival my name is chance alexander

Madison May of the Star Patrol!

Spaceman alexander returned to the bridge, grinning triumphantly, and the border collie gave up the station with a respectful bow.

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Mates and Their Children

Carter) (armon, allie) crystal and jericho^ (aphrodite) jezabel and grim^ (daniel, oliver) (mila, makayla, sadie) midnight\* and dragoness^ (rylin^, velvet^, spectra^, yellow^, stan^, hammer^, styla^) cleo and rylin^ (lauren, paisley, cadence, alexander

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A Poem For My Brother

A cold that had nothing to do with the season and inside i knew the reason forgive me i was partying with my mates forgive me, i called back too late forgive me father for i have sinned i've killed my brother in the cold december wind -yours truly alexander


Prologue to F.U.R.

Captain david alexander gets into his seat as the door starts the air-locking sequence, "men, this will push you past your breaking points, so try to stay strong."

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Astral High - Chapter 45

"you don't know that, alexander." we both bolted straight up at the sound of it's voice, smooth and almost soothing were it not for the fact that the silent figure had spoken.

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 10

#11 of legacy of the veiled stars admiral alexander, the arctic fox kit prodigy, quickly finds that he has a lot on his plate with the disturbing events that happened onboard the bridging albatross.

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Galactic Conflict - Chapter Ten

"a misunderstanding between admiral alexander and nishant gerbo." leaving the explanation to a minimal, the ambassadors started to question pilot gerbo on specifics of his adventure.

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School for Heroes - Vuoritorni

Sorry if i can't take the time out of my schedule of tracking apex - so that he doesn't murder people - so that you, alexander, would get to meet me.

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Mitch alexander was almost--"at least eighty percent. maybe ninety"--positive that the _tempest_ had jumped when the battle started.

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The Lost October (Novemberween)

.** **luposong** **bovinemage** **warwolf416** **amancalleddominik** **alexander eckhart** **ver min** **karakuricentral** **vulpinator** **kei fox** follower martin nilsson randomgamer24 joshua garland thanks to those of you who are continuing

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