Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #9- Hijacked Holidays

"the first aid boxes and any bats laying around are safe, coach k," hicks said back. that actually got a chuckle from the group, which was at least a good sign they weren't too bummed out by the loss. still, there seemed to be regrets.

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Full Circle - Part 5

--- otis carried a box with him down into the basement; it was a first-aid kit. brandon looked at otis as though he was there to help him. otis noticed. "don't think this is for you, all you have are some paper cuts."

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The Phoenix (Chapter 1)

Dennis picks up the first aid kit he always carried with him and cleans the head wound. he examines the wound for a couple of minutes before saying "the wound doesn't look as if it would be enough to knock him out but he may have a concussion.



" tsume shouted " and here i thought cops were stupid " red said as this just pissed the military guy off just before they could do anything red's dad stepped in by pulling several strings they were brought to a first aid

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Unearthing truths part 2

Once max knew bulbasaur was out cold he picked up his partner and started treating the wounds with first aid in his backpack. "your manectric...he knows what you're going to tell him to do. but how? is he reading your mind?!"

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Run With The Pack

Immediately i think of the first aid kit in the gator. leaning over the center of the tiny vehicle, i open what used to be the glove compartment.

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Somewhere Out There Act 18 - The Stage

"let me help, i know some first aid myself." "just don't break him. we might need a creature that we can't understand." the male scientist looked back and forth between the two larger dragons and whimpered a bit while looking at his partner.

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Splintered Light, Ch 2.4: Unforeseen Circumstances

She nodded, pausing long enough to pick up a small first-aid satchel she'd brought above decks. "if there's any big change or developments send a sailor down to fetch me... i'll cross over there if i'm needed."

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Dreams of Tomorrow (Intro)

Of course, having someone who knows first aid could save lifes, but what if the "thing" took the doctor's appearance? i'd have to interrogate him when he made his appearance. i made sure the house had all windows barricaded.

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A day with mommy

She smiles to him and carries him over to her bag and digs out a little first aid kit and pulls out some neosporin and a band aid. she dresses his wound and gives it a little kiss. "there all better sweetie" she give him a kiss on the fore head.

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Unit 13

aid to the non injured and injured younglings respectively. 3, the war was still going on outside and this place would effectively become human territory in a few hours.

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life with a dragon chapter four

I can get a first aid kit if you need one" the man offers tentaivly. "oh don't worry about me, i'll be fine. i just got hit in the face earlier, it's no big deal." i nonchelantly reply. "did someone attack you in the parkinglot?"

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