Terror of The Frost Dragon
That fell out of a chest in his mothers bedroom and without thinking he grabbed the great axe first and slashed the dragons chest wounding him slightly.
The Dragon Spirit Wishes
#1 of the dragon spirit wishes this is my first poem of this sort, so be critical, but understand if it's not great. the dragon spirit wishes i wish i could walk. i wish i could run. i wish i could fly, fly into the sky.
pet dragon PT4
Someone who had killed another dragon.
pet dragon PT2
The dragon was asleep when i got to the door, i opened the door and lexus called out, the dragon woke, but moved only his head to keep quite. he growled and looked at me, lexus then crawled very quickly over to the dragon and rubbed agents him.
pet dragon PT1
Green with blue bits on it, it was a percy dragon, calm and tame natured they are very easy to look after, but they get fat if looked after too much, they can grow very fat, they are an indoor dragon but do like to go outside to fly around and eat so as not
Poem: Music of dragons
Listening, to the song, listening, to the notes never wrong listening, to the three dragons, and dream...
Poem: Dragon's Heart...
Poem: dragon's heart... within the eyes of the lone dragon, his heart blooms from the souls of nature's love. the skies sing within the heavens, knowing the protection once trusted upon them.
Dragon Wars 4
#1 of dragon wars battle of the core "you bastard!!!!" i roared out at him as i tried to slash him with my lightsaber but, i kept missing him, i was blinded by my own rage as i tried to calm down... it made it much more afflicted to me.
Spellcasters Vs Dragons
I play my red-eyes black dragon (atk/2400 def/2000) and meteor dragon (atk/1800 def/2000) from my hand." he played both dragons on his disk. and they took to the field as well. "now attack my meteor dragon." his dragon destroyed jon's valkyria.
Time to Slay the Dragon?
The red dragon offered his hand. "shall i have this dance?" druk chuckled, and held the offered hand. "you shall, my love." the two dragons danced to the music, and the rest of the civilians joined along.
The killed dragon's descendant
There had to be some plate that explained the legend behind the two dragons, supposing the second dragon had a role in tarant's tale. his smartphone illuminated the way, then pointed to the two dragons- suddenly, the second dragon's eyes moved.
The Parable of the Three Dragons
The second dragon now provided the inspiration for her father as the great dragon had done for her.