Poem: Dragon's Heart...

Story by Tigz Cerberus Spirit on SoFurry

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Poem: Dragon's Heart...

Within the eyes of the lone dragon, his heart blooms from the souls of nature's love.

The skies sing within the heavens, knowing the protection once trusted upon them.

Clouds dance within the wings of dragon's love, the air beloning through their flow.

The setting dask fades away, revealing nothinness of hidden truth...

The calls of dragon's forever seal rings thoughout the darken world, showing the forged pact of honor.

Their wings open wide, shadowing the already night world, yet showing it true peace which once spoken within their will.

Open the eyes which lock away the hidden truth, let the path of life guide the souls through the ashes.

Dragon's heart which beats the wills of all souls, fly down the path which none have seen, showing the lead that chains shall not become.

Flow of time fades, the wings of dragon's heart closes, showing the hidden scars that forged within its protection...

For it's time to reveal the path of pain, yet not be scar for the winfs of dragon's heart shall beat as one within the souls of new...

Within the times of tomorrow, the heart of dragon fades within the hearts of reborn...

Their souls set for the hardship of past memories, dragon's heart flows within the wills of reborn stars which create the new path of life...