Better Angels part 1

America, despite having a civil war, is going to be represented by a new kind of fuel that may replace steam, petrol." "thomas lowsley?"

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Magpie's Journey: Arrival at Moonsteppe

Why, i only learned of the civil war some months ago." karuth responded with a hum, "you'll pardon our precaution, but the heir has been missing for over two decades. many have come forward to try and lay claim to the throne."

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FoxFire (Act1, Book2, Chapter8)

Perhaps i had to take the life of someone i respected during the celestial civil war. all this time, and i never considered something as simple as forgetting someone ... and that terrifies me."

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The Swords that Bind- Part 1: Welcome to the Crew

"several old libraries around here have some very interesting facts about the civil war and the former empire.

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Pride Goes Before the Fall: Chapter 1

The crown had always relied on our fleets in times of war, but now that it is nearly civil war in the barsanan kingdom, the many of the nobles are joining our side, or just looking the other way.

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Happiness! or not(Chapter Three)

Lovejoy, a newspaper editor for the alton observer that supported anti-slavery during the civil war. alton didn't have a very good history. now it was a peaceful town but it still didn't prosper. "listen, i need to talk to you clarice."

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Ch. 14: Albrand, Village of Ideals

The civil war occurred between the newly formed lightweavers and the conservative church of laren. the lightweavers won, ushering in a new era of freedom previously unseen under laren's influence.

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Tell It To The Crows

With much of north america displaying the same factions as in our world it would erupt into a the same civil war.


Through the Horizon: Part 1--Secret Meetings and Private Revelations

They have been involved in a civil war of their own. its passed now, but the damage it did weakened their hold on most of their empire.

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Spirit Bound: Chapter Ninety-Six

The lord who ordered her death to save his people from civil war? that _would_ create a civil war and cause my family to turn on me.

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I Am a Winsel

The civil war that my grandfather told me was harsh, bloody, brutal, and took so many lives.

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Mixed Tale 4 - Hozuka Ruins

We must get a new grand inquisitor before a civil war breaks out. great horned rat, give me your guidance. who shall it be?"

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