Spyro the Relaxing chapter one.

All were laughing and having a good time, until spyro saw cynder heading out of the temple to one of the balconies, where spyro and ignitus fought the bounty hunter long ago. spyro slowly followed, worried cynder might leave once again.

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Tail Underground contribution part 2

Self respect took priority and sergeant reamius turned to bounty hunter reamius. will lay asleep on the ground at his feet. the fox stirred under his blanket. the bear's head flashed up.

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Untamed Wildlands

She is a bounty hunter, sent by a baron to kill a golden cerberus.

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Hidden Love

You, you're so beautiful and different, a bounty hunter for crying out loud. i love you. i love how you talk, how you carry yourself, your free spirit, everything." \*\*\* (skyve) i couldn't believe what i just said.

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What Once Was Eden: Chapter 5 Part 3 of 4

"the reward for those two is getting higher and there're at least a-hundred foreign bounty hunters now employed to catch them. the king doesn't care if they're taken alive or not.

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Isolation-Excerpt 13-Force Recon

"so the bounty hunter and the security guard met the old man?", he asked snickering, "what a perfect chance to kill two morons with one security alert!"

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Stories of Skarn - The Quick Reference Sheet

Also features the lethal undead knight known as ser hedrick grundle, dalleth the wolfwere queen, and the cadre of elite bounty hunters known as the dogs of war. a portion of this story was written by kiwibb!


Blood Red: Chapter Six: The Return

You don't see many mercenaries or bounty-hunters these days, let alone anyone like the guy we just dusted." "so we're down to two theories, both from the same source."

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Space Warrior Hitachi

Running away from a squeaky voiced rat bounty hunter, with my tail between my legs. not a fitting end for the noble, brave space warrior hitachi. i braced for laser impact, gritting my teeth. and then, the gate slammed shut behind me.

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Furthermore they were great hunters and were favored among bounty hunters, which was perfect for their needs. cole slowly approached the animal and began to speak in a tongue foreign to jane.

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Chronicles of the Tetrad Chaper 6: The Solitary Hive

"let me give you a proposition: we just happen to be going back into that forest to smash that spider as bounty hunters. you wouldn't happen to have a hunger for sweet revenge, would you?"

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Shayde's Story Chapter 2

He was a bounty-hunter after all. small game like this was for the amateurs, not pros like him. however, this thief was different. they were progressing in value, stealing more and more valuable items are the days progressed.

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