The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Ten

None of us are traitors!" the gryphon opened its mouth and let out the most frightening sound porter had ever heard, a mixture of a lion's roar and an eagle's shriek, filled with unfathomable rage.

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Juryokine: Chapter Twenty Seven

"and zashiel is a traitor to her people. you are both to be executed by lethal injection." a ragged gasp broke free from toke' throat, and he would have shook if he weren't strapped so tightly to the table.

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The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Thirty

"and our greatest traitor. he is no longer one of us, arch-mythic. why should i surrender to you for the sake of someone like her?" rayalga took a step backwards, shocked. "but...

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Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale, Chapter 18

"we now know where the rabbits are that escaped and the traitors hawk and bigwig. you all have to pass a test to see who will be granted this moment of glory and possible promotion within the warren."

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G'eon spiraled into death's open, lusting, skeleton grip, hell is where he belonged, a traitor to all. a breaker of love, of hearts. damned by himself. by his troubled heart, by trying to help more ppl that is possible.

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After Leaving

It tore me apart hearing my parent's accuse me of hating them, of being a traitor, to defiling their name. it hurt more to hear her friends accuse me of manipulating her, of abusing her, when even she argued saying i was a saint.

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Fox Tales Chapter 3: Dinner Date

They had held each other many nights after the two traitorous love birds had flown the coup. he knew that max's father's leaving had hit her just are hard as talia's mother's betrayal had hit him. "i am sorry, janice." jacob moved to comfort her.


Ander - Part 2: Subchapter 6

_ _that would make me a traitor in the worst way. i didn't want to kill banno - he forced me to! but this... this would be of my own choosing._ _maybe it won't come to that._ _it will.

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Forbidden Blood 5

Still in a rage, the warrior said, "you traitorous bitch! you have mixed your blood with those of lesser creature!" "they... are not... less than we... are," she said in agony from the pain that now pulsed on her face and her leg. "no they are not.

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Clown Mare 3-3

It all happened on the day of the event of the two traitors that we still have no evidence for." noxis kane raised left hoof and used it left to right five times under his chin. he also used his left eye and raised it.

Interlude 17

Earth stood with the worst sort of traitors, and their deceitfulness was to be paid in destruction. humanity was not going to stand in his way to achieve the final peace over the royal cause.



It takes surprising effort for him to take his traitorous finger off the gun; now is not the time. they walk to their shared vehicle, and he swiftly retreats to his own.
