The Anaris Saga - Chapter 1: Saren
Shortly after the internal struggle, the empire had closed off all ports and blockaded their shores with massive ships.
Her Most Precious Treasure
There are rumors of monsters and more powerful jungle beasts that roam this land that would kill the strongest brute or weakling seconds before they can even set foot on shore.
Besides me the tide laps at the shore; sandpipers scatter ahead; a tern dips and a flock of ducks swoop in to land amidst the surf.
Peppers Are Hot, Keys Are Cold
Her, miles, and barbara currently fight to get back to the shore with their partners. "you guys go on, we'll catch up." kit says. "if you say so." deedee says. her and diesel run over and join those who have started the scuba challenge.
Wind of Change: Chapter 8
The ghost apparition had started materializing again and took a major off-shore sea unit. knowing that they were attacking the shore, dairyu shouted, "anytime now, capisa!"
With These Broken Wings: Chapter 2
With a growl he shifted his haunches beneath him and considered the distance between himself and the shore.
Winds of Fate: Homecoming
It then hits her that something isn't right, something that is far familiar to her and decides while giving the order to have the ship repaired, she will go on shore, alone.
Far From Home: Chapter One (Part 2): Hunters and Prey
The country home sat upon the shores of a lake and the river which fed the lake, turned this way and that in a soft, winding path in the direction these paw prints were facing. with a quick, bird-like whistle, he signaled his comrades over.
I love you... (old story)
As the waves crashed against the lonely shores, i sat there in the sand while tears fell down my face. then you walked into my life, and changed me.
Waves By the Shore:Discover and Admit
#2 of waves by the shore disclaimer-this story soon is going to have some content that is not approprite for anybody under 18. if you are underage or homosexuality isent your thing. please leave now or forever hold your peace.
Destiny Intertwined, Lan'as'atal
The ka-lin on shore whirled around to find ships filling the bay behind them, boxing in their own vessel.
Lost Pokemon Episode: 16 - Fighting Fire with Magma
After a long hour of this the three finally made it onto the shores of an island that housed the biggest cave system in the area. \* \* \* hakuzo fights to keep his eyes open.