Chapter 15: Shirdan's Resolution

You won't be working with the younger members of the order, since you lack a rider and that bear shifter is not a rider in any sense. due to your susceptible condition, you'll work with me," said seraphor.

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An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 29-Street Rivals Twin Turbocharged Ruoff

I placed my paw on the shifter as the supra entered sixth gear. two seconds later, i did the same and the camaro flew across the finish line at nearly 250 miles an hour. i pulled the e-brake and started to downshift to slow down the car.

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Cries to the Moon: Beneath the Waning Crescent

Hemmington, hemmingway and the original name, hemming, which began as a nick-name for 'shape-shifters' and werewolves." daniel looked at justin jaw gaping. "what happened to the d+ student i knew?" he asked in a worried tone.

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Chapter 12: The Innocent Defiler

From the movement of his head, he was watching the bear shifter who was talking with avila and some riders. seraphor then found some revelations, and said, "i suspected as much."

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A Couple of Mooks

"aren't you a master shape-shifter?" asked jam, coyly. "well, yeah," replied oliver, "but i know what to expect with my powers." just then, a thought struck him. "i wonder if i still can." "well, why don't you try it?" oliver concentrated.

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An Anthro's Tale-The Final Chapter-Dream Match Championship

I could feel my limbs getting crazy tight as i put one hand on the shifter, standing by to throw it into drive when the timer hit zero. 9. the cars began to rev and warm up their engines.

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An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 18-Autoshow

The shifter was an aftermarket short throw and the seats were red and black rearaco's,as well as the racing harnesses. it was packing a v-12,like a proper lambo should and exhaled through wide teslo headers.

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The Feral Four File

**powers:** **shape changing:** savage was created to be a shape changer - his original name was "shifter" - but proved poor at it.

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Stay out

She had 6 litters that first day. a litter of 3 of pure foxes , a litter of 6 of human crosses, a litter of 6 equine shifter crosses which he knew would be most valuable.

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A Dragon's Tale: The Star's Journey- Chapter 23-Back To Iraq

The shifter looked custom and the steering wheel had the same recaro logo as the seats and seat belts, or more seat harnesses. the floor mats were very clean and the car, for being almost 40 years old, looked and smelled brand new.

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Framed part 4

Then there was the last name on the list, not one i recognized but they had to be the one pulling the shifter's strings. probably pulling the enforcers' strings as well. "you got anything else on this one?" i asked tapping the mystery name.

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