Toni's Diary Entry #2 - The Key to Success

They were trying out different ways to break up the bell schedule. in my first three years, every period was exactly 45 minutes with 5 minutes in between the bells. for my senior year, they did something different.

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Jeremy 085; The Bureau Of Sabotage

It was to be jeremy's primary job to run the scheduling and also focus on recruitment. the ocelot interrupted his train of thought again. "so, i had lunch with jackson buttons and zane rook." "oh?" jeremy said.


Taco Supreme

The possum get comfortable on his neck and philthy heads to the maintenance building to double check the schedule. the morning schedule is still free so he makes a lap around the zoo to do a visual inspection.

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 1

Throughout the long day, the kit prodigy worked on his computer, scheduled flights for his troops, checked updates on his officers, and even met with a few of them to discuss a large variety of issues.

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Wounded Heart

He was off today, but always kept his sleep schedule. the tiger stood from his bed. he was taller than average, being 6'9", but was thin. he was not very toned either. he saw no need in being heavily muscled when his job was to program computers.

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Jeremy 044; By Way Of Explanation

He found that he was excited at the prospect of having more in his schedule. jeremy had learned to cope with having a full schedule so much so that he was looking forward to once again filling his day with activity.


Realms of Fantasy Chapter 5: Blinded By The Light

Aerilla deals with the blade at her throat, only to have an arguably larger problem emerge quickly thereafter well, the sofurry downtime caused a bit of disruption in my posting schedule, but now it's time to catch up.

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An Old Friend

I was looking for-," but his voice was drowned out by the school bell, signaling that it was time to head to their homerooms to be given their schedules. "never mind," nic grunted as he left his giggling friends behind.

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A Journey Begun - Chapter 11 - See How They Run

Tell us, how often are these flights that the mob schedules for you?" brandon. "once or twice every month. keeps me busy, i guess. sometimes the flights don't come for months, other times i'm flying there every other week.

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Valewood Eyrie Communiques, a POSC crossover with Zmeydros.

Component pickups for valewood eyrie station are scheduled on 90 day cycles. the local population here is pretty inured to non standard airborne object.

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Death from the Shadows - Friday, July 7th, 2197

"did you want to schedule another appointment now?" "would you be offended if i said i wanted to think about it for a few days?" nyeusi asked.

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Rexville 13: His Preference

Hunter later caught on, sometimes he walks with keanu to the station, but depending on the time and schedule like today they just met up in the station.

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