Slave Pacification (2)
Both lynxes were equipped with stun sticks, sedative and a set of restraints. the panthress squatted in fronted of the wolf, looked at him for a few second and turned to the guards. _"he's in shock"_
Greenwood - Leo Investigation
"your friend has pissed off the wrong people, it seems," i remarked, losing my professional restraint. "i suspect he's running around in some pretty shady circles.
Pop goes Chelsea!
The fox grew more and more now the size of a house and threatening to break the restraints of rope around her growing arms now starting to poke into her body. the blueberry effect as it was called after the famous scene from the movie.
Black Petals: Chapter 2 ~ Reality Check
All too often, he has found himself having to exercise restraint in order to prevent civilian casualties and lessen property damage. at times, it could be incredibly frustrating to handicap himself as such. this was one of those times.
Burdens - Chapter 45: Clear
Now that the restraints were gone, his mind decided on its own accord to wander about rapidly, and he wished it would not do so. clarity caused him to be distracted somewhat. he sat staring at the book, but his eyes did not move.
The Clockwork Falcon - part 5: Return Flight
"spot on, lad," the professor said as he shrugged off his restraints, "and we'll forget about that little dip at the end considering i did the same thing myself," he finished with a small smile.
The Beginning of the End
Almost immediately after i had spoken to him, i was pulled away on a stretcher and strapped down, head to tail in leather restraints. i was getting fuzzy, and was losing consciousness.
Seven Days- Part V
It was a sign of great restraint not to address how much isaac, not joshua should have been the designated mourner for david who outside of isaac and the doctor had no friends in the world.
Unrequited Lovers Ep1
But...restraint.." he chuckled as one of his blades flashed and appear back in its holster. he thrusted two fingers towards her direction then disappeared.
Scott's Remote | Chapter 14
It seemed that scott's day was only going between one set of restraints to another. scott's wrists were strapped next to his on either side and his ankles were restrained to either side of the carriage, exposing his obviously diaper crotch to the world.
The First Stand (Boldly Going Forward Preview)
A tone sounded and the otter yanked his restraints tight against the sensation of free-fall that the fighter's g-force compensator couldn't quite handle as the _intrepid_'s fighter tractor beam shoved his gryphon out of the hanger bay.
Truth and Consequences: Chapters 3 and 4
He lifted her from the ground and removed her restraints and clothes. her frantic struggles gained her nothing in his powerful grip.