Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 37

He clapped dorin on the shoulder and, cackling like a loon, he stepped outside into the driving snow, disappearing into the white like a phantom, still laughing and laughing.

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Soul of Fire - Prologue

Aywinnea could see the faint phantom outline of his horn, but it did not bring her peace. his sea foam eyes darted from her to the garden to the bookshelves and back.


Trial By Fire

He seems to be on the inside of a phantom drop ship. it was closed shut so he figured he was in space. then the elite that captured him, walks out from the cockpit. now that he can see better the elite was gold class, maybe a zealot.

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Steelfang: A Tale of Redwall Chapter 6

Argo's ears perked up as the familiarity of the phantom voice struck him. "wait jus' a tick! bal, is that you, matey?" after a few moments of silence, the voice responded with, "argo? is 'at ye mucker?" "aye, that 'tis!

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A Fatal Game 6 - Blindly Searching

Even though it was an ethereal being, it still had a real touch to him and he began to shake violently as he tried to wrestle free from his phantom. "no! noooo! fuck off!

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A Fatal Game 5 - Masking Reflections

The phantom was smart enough to not respond until it had striked through james' body with its ethereal form, slashing through him as he fell to the floor with a screaming tear in his soul. or the closest thing to it.

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Pokemon Story - Brotherhood of the Bracken Sea Ch. 2

The black phantom lobbed hooks towards the everstrider, in and attempt to pull the ships together and commence boarding the other ship.

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The Coffin: Part 6

The phantom discorporated into a thousand wisps of black smoke and marcus let out a single scream. "rickert!" marcus scrabbled at the walls as he was falling! falling! falling!

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Faction: The Corpus Archives- Operation Phantom Operative intro

- Shadow stared at the papers on her desk, her face straight as ever, minus a slight frown. "I'm not too sure this plan would work," she said, leaning back in her chair. She opened up a drawer and withdrew a folder, laying it atop the dark wood...

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Children of the Earth and Sky 10 - The Warriors of Light

**_"i will not have you fail me, not when we are so close."_** "i-i-i...i...i-is this-" **_"shut up."_** the phantom walked forwards.

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Luca's Story Ch. 7

That night, the girls were laughing their asses off along with zee, ronnie was hiding in the darkness of the rafters at the eight o' clock showing of rent, and the trio's parents all thought them at the phantom of the opera.

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Not a breath of wind dared to rustle the scraggled, high-altitude grasses and weeds growing amongst the crosses and pillars of rock that stood like phantoms, stretching their heads solemnly toward a grey and pitiless heaven.

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