Feeding the Clothes
So klein began to think about how people managed the impressions that other people had of them, about how people communicated through images in daily life. they made clothes, and clothes made the man.
The Convention
It's too many people for a focused conversation, but i'm excited to finally hear people talking about websites and artists and subjects that i recognize. well, mostly.
Furtasia: The Canari
In reality, the canari are an insular, but gentle people, with different concepts of ownership than most peoples, due to their nomadic lifestyle.
A Trial
They strongly recommend the people do this for at least bathing water.} i stifle a chuckle, as to me the idea wasn't all that novel; yet the people here had to be told to do it.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 21
The green dragon pointed at the door the people just left, his claw stiffened with anger "you know perfectly well who these people want to punish. we didn't send cynder away to dig out her grave!
Coming of the Dragon
I little flick from one of his toes would send people flying like broken dolls or he would slowly crush the people with a single toe just for the fun of it.
The Job interview
So many people have spread rumors of werewolves eating people, having tails in human form, biting everyone they see, that people generally fear us on the spot.
The End
It is how people have their "sixth sense". psychics, fortune tellers and hypnotists use this people to sense a person's intentions and desires. there really is no way to train this power.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book III Chapter 2
Off all the people just to defend me, even flare received his share of insults.
The Coming of Spring
Alberich shakes his head and i turn to cheshire again, "you know if you can find a way to get your people here. i imagine atsuko could find a way to get your people to where this isn't necessary."
Mystery Savior Ch. 11
If there was one thing in this world that i would ever allow myself to hate, its people who intentionally try to cause people emotional pain, and these people were experts at doing this.
First Arc: The Fallen Kings -- Chapter 5 -- (6/??) -- {They're Nothing Like Us}
Takizawa's eyes then narrowed onto the two protectors of these people. "there's only so much these two can handle one day." "why don't we just get these people and rescue them from the ward?"