Misperceptions v2

There was a moment of hesitation between them before they kissed. it only lasted for a few moments, but it left them both panting for breath.

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Cursed Hearths; Prologue (English)

At the moment of listening, words a dark energy starting to come out of the eye of the eevee, at that moment the boy did not control his actions, despite this, he didn't took importance.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book I Chapter 8

Cynder took the lead and ran towards the rock, the moment she was close she jumped on it just to leap from its rough surface soon after.

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Alone and Drifting

Drifter sat down for a moment, staring up at the vista. so strange.

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The Misadventures of an Unexpected Dragon - Chapter 1

For a moment i saw a flash of her eyes as they changed color, turning green for only a moment before returning to the typical kobold reddish brown. that was a good sign, that meant that she was still in there, just under the surface.

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In the Shadows of Kryckwood - Ch. 10 (MHO)

"you had a dumb moment. but we're still alive, and that's what's important. 'kay?" lykou looked at him for a moment, then back down at the ground with another heavy sigh. "i've had a lot of dumb moments lately.

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He huffed for a moment then resumed his pacing in front of the cage watching her with his yellow eyes that for a brief moment looked upon her soul.

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In the moment, content, my eyes wandered to a shadow i hadn't seen in a while the movement was still magical, i imagined so was the smile i didn't look toward the face of mental friction i'd only think back about physical addiction my

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Paralysis in those moments where you know what you want, moments where the wound moves along with your limbs, and the moment where you have nobody, where everything sails away and you reach out for your own hands and dare not let go.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book I Chapter 15

She didn't worry about such things, the moment she set eyes upon the arrogant feline she opened her maw wide open and snapped her teeth moments later on the cat's body cutting him in half.

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The Mourning After - Chapter 19 (Kinyar)

It took malakye a few moments to slip free from stern's grasp but finally escaped. stern hovered in the air for a moment before he began to fall, his wings flicked open at the exact same moment malakye surged forward with a punch to stern's muzzle.

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