Dragon Storm: Chapter 10: Prelude to the Apocalypse, the BLACKFANG unit's motives!
War wolf sliced him in the chest and cross wing sniped him in the leg while tiger wanghu pressed his remote and his jet appeared and shot four missiles at rio. wild horn threw him into the air at the missiles and even got two shots on him.
The Doctors of Doom, Part Six
Ann realized he was talking about an octopus missile; the swat kats used them often enough that the name was mostly common knowledge, especially considering razor's tendency to announce what missile he was firing.
Unexpected Circumstances
"fire the buzz-saw missile!" t-bone ordered. "on it!" with a flip of a top and press of a button, razor fired. the buzz-saw missile shot out from under the turbokat.
Sortie 00 - The Straight-Build Rookie
The black suit dodged the high energy blast and raised its shield in time to intercept the missiles.
The bohorronean fired a salvo of plasma missiles at the syndicate city-cone, railgun rounds slamming into their shields.
Chapter 5 - "Our Main Course this Evening: The Shattering of the Shroud of Shadows"
The cassiopeia launched several volleys of missiles at the dragons, they burst out of their weapons launchers seconds before one of alex and evan's meteors destroyed them.
Chapter 3
Came a voice from another station confirming the sensors were fully operational as the main operator lifted a red phone off the hook "missile warning this is dew twelve standby confidence reporting... want to confirm, is this an exercise?"
Take A Chance On Me: Chapter 8
Meanwhile outside of the tank, the turbokat continued to out manuver the lasers and fire back some missiles, but they had no affect on the tanks armor.
Twilight Part 3
The mare raises her beam weaponry and fires, bringing down another hind before sweeping the area and leaving the soldier to his fate, firing plasma missiles which consumes the area.
A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 1-In The Begining
"john,wyatt yelled,i saw the maggots move some tow missiles into that crate." on wyatt's order,hudson smashed open the box and valkyrie missiles spilled out.
Spiral Nebula - Prologue
The defense was folding very quickly and it didn't take long for several missiles to break through the line and hurtle straight for the massive cluster of ships.
The Last Aspect
Glancing at the sky, she brought up her right arm to fire a rainbow band of missiles in a high arc. approaching drone planes blossomed into fireballs. five planes, five missiles. five kills.