An old story

La larme de de sagesse \*montre un récipient qui contient un liquide légèrement opaque bleuté\* ça indique mon niveau de magie.

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The Raurim Saga

"follow big paws, you're one of our wind mages, if we can take out their magi and archers, then their siege weapons won't have that extra protection, since i know the eska have no cavalry whatsoever."

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Once in a Blue Moon

Keith noticed the text on the man's left breast, reading eimaitsukai, great magi. the man had a fierce look to him, but didn't seem threatening in any way. his hair was mostly white, but still carried an orange tint.

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Luck Be a Lady

Apparently, it had more to do with attitude and mindset, as well as knowing what real combat_felt_ like, than any kind of specific, magical tricks - making her more well-suited for that task than any of the senior wizards or magi who rarely left their cozy


Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 15

#15 of care bears family adventures book 4 it's finally time for everyone to welcome their new family members properly chapter 15: welcome home new family take care was shocked when the magi brought their patients to her, especially when she saw


Care Bears Family Adventures: Book 2, Chapter 4

Love heart gestured to his friends sitting next to him, "this is confidence heart fennec, independent bear and flash heart bear and we are the care bear magi. our job is to protect the rest of you from people like dark heart... and dusk heart."


Kingdoms: Return to Avolon

Dandolo tower was targeted as well - the magi held out for a time but were eventually forced to abandon the tower.

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Sent Kobold Chapter 12: Kobold's Legacy

You wouldn't happen to have a ring of three wishes or a staff of the magi you could give? that'd go a long way in winning my forgiveness." "a long way? hah!

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