Lonely Oak Chapter 67

#34 of lonely oak part 2 | the siblings and the lovers for a few seconds, he didn't quite know what was going on. the world turned sideways before a wash of sparks and glitter.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 66

#33 of lonely oak part 2 | the siblings and the lovers "well _that_ was a winner right off the bat," momma b. commented as they emerged from the three-ring tent.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 64

#31 of lonely oak part 2 | the siblings and the lovers ket spotted momma b. standing by the changing rooms with her arms crossed.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 63

#30 of lonely oak part 2 | the siblings and the lovers "tonight?" rini sat in the middle of the couch. the tv played without sound, on some random channel. "...no."

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Lonely Oak Chapter 62

#29 of lonely oak part 2 | the siblings and the lovers "you all right there, kval?" he blinked. the fog that had clouded the expanse between himself and the target dissipated in that flash of a second.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 61

#28 of lonely oak part 2 | the siblings and the lovers the bottom of ket's shoes scraped along the cement as he padded alongside emeral. gone was the formerly encroaching smell of sea-salt and -weed.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 60

#27 of lonely oak part 2 | the siblings and the lovers her eyes stayed upon her target for a moment, before her tunnel-vision expanded to see the target next to hers.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 59

#26 of lonely oak part 2 | the siblings and the lovers lyza broke away from her brother's hand as they neared the archery range. lunch had just barely ended, and they were the first at the range. "mrs.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 57

#24 of lonely oak part 2 | the siblings and the lovers _no...don't..._ "don't what?" _go..._ "don't go?"

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Lonely Oak Chapter 54

#21 of lonely oak part 2 | the siblings and the lovers the rain had finally died down, having lasted long enough to wait for the sun to disappear below the undulating horizon before scudding away and leaving everyone without any real

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Lonely Oak Chapter 53

#20 of lonely oak part 2 | the siblings and the lovers how gray the world had become. no red nor green nor yellow hue; just ash and coal and greasy blue.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 52

#19 of lonely oak part 2 | the siblings and the lovers the night had been arduous at best. the forefront of the mighty war lay waste to the entire shoreline; but for one small bastion.

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