The Bet
Each door had a fake archway above it, wood that had been bent and carved with the imagery of vines and words written in latin. steph wouldn't have been surprised if they spelled out 'abandon all hope, ye who enter'.
I Dacien - Chapter 4 - Symphony
"what would that be in latin?" jason and kanail exchanged a surprised look, and then kanail said, "refraining, self-limiting, from alcohol." "abstemious?" "i suppose ..." kanail said. "your latin is ..."
How to Become a God in One Easy Step
The man, even to this day i can hardly call him a god, spoke a fractured mix of latin, english, and old spanish. i could only understand perhaps one word in five, but he was definitely a god.
Chapter III: On The Moors of PXC-348
The people in the crowd were ranting all sorts of random latin, and seemed to cheer even louder when the black panther from before came on to the stage. three other cultists, who sat him down in a chair and locked him in it, attended to him.
Werecorgi [M / TF / SFW]
"_ further down, two simple sentences were carefully scrawled in what steven thought must be latin. the young man continued reading, finally understanding that what the other person was describing was a spell.
Evolution's Gate, Forever Legendary, Mew's Christmas Carol and The Human Species - Q&A
Kind of like how we have latin names for flora and fauna. **hmm...though, that does raise the question of how one would explain away the rate at which they're finding pokemon.
Black Magic - Chapter Eight: Escape From The Den Of Betrayal
Our massive vice captain chanted something obscure in latin, then made several strange signs with his hands; a complicated process that resulted in a dizzying lightshow of lightning bolts flying from his outstretched palms.
She was taking latin. i'd never even considered the class, but allie had. she waved at me from her desk, then stopped when she saw who i was with. she went silent as 'monica' went and sat down beside her.
Hope and Dreams part 15
Large leather chairs were clearly custom, with phrases such as "live free or die hard", "you gain nothing when you give nothing", and "i am a puppet, but my master is a saint" stitched into the pillows and the cushions, even phrases in what appeared to be latin
Raspberry Line Chapter 21
The latin hit her ears like a riddle. she blinked, trying to figure it out but it was useless. then she started to think why he said it--and as reason became known a devilish smile widened more and more across her face.
Gesshru Chapter 3
Somnum in latin. sen in polish. usingizi in swahili. moe in maori. tunku in tamil. somni in catalan. my body was still and my right hand stung in multiple places along the index finger and over the knuckles.
Dances with Humans - the Hollow Silence, Part 4
It's covered with the same words written in ink, over and over again, both in english and latin: _save me!_ - - - while therese walker explored the long abandoned town of cobbler's dell, ian parks drove to coeur d'alene to have his ore sample tested.