Spare Change
Wizards, it would seem, didn't take kindly to being cut off in traffic, especially when given the one-fingered salute to add insult to injury.
After the End prologue: The Summer Storm
Jupiter, frey, and horus each, in turn, insulted you. zeus and jupiter bragged that they could summon better storms. horus doubted the sharpness of your sword, and frey called you a blustering storm god that does nothing but destroy." "i do not!
Cyanide of Riddance Chapter 5.
You should never insult bluro' dead boyfriend, at least. "all right, ante up!" pinks said. "deuces and one-eyed jacks are wild!" "wait, pinky!" lavender said. "we can't start girls' night without bluro!"
How should I know? Chapter 11: Where do we go from here?
Sasha said insulting her opponent. "i think i'm starting to rub off on you hehe, and i like it! we're going to finish this in one blow." i said with a giggle.
Sieg and Marien - A Basitin Love Story - Part 2 - Seperated
"you will apologize for insulting my wife," sieg said, his voice steady but firm. "if someone came into your home and insulted my mother as you insulted marien, there is no chance you would allow it." "i will not." "you will."
Thirteen Tales From Another World: Fourth Tale
You two just insult people like children, even if you're mentally adults? or am i the only one here who was an adult?" aria asked. "oh, most of us were adults once. but, shouting childish insults is fun! you should try it."
What are Candus pt. 3 Misc.
They also take the dog insult very lightly, seeing they choose to stay in the canine's territory for the most part.
Chapter 13
Phelps brayed in anger at the insult. "jesus would never associate with fags destined to burn in hell." i rolled my eyes. "yes, yes. we realize that you believe that your religion has no love in it whatsoever."
Janner's tale 2-Late introductions
He also was the only one in his clan who seemed to ignore the insults thrown at them by the other clans. this stubborn trait is also because of his ancestry. his wife, lilith, was also an arctic wolf, standing at 5 foot 6.
3. Matricuation
He tried to make it sound like an insult. the two dark grey woofs turned to look ... and obviously recognized him. they looked him up and down; one of them pointed, incredulous. "you?" he rolled his eyes. "outta my way, wester woofs.
Servant of Darkness - Ch. 1: Intrusion
"besides, it's enjoyable to watch a dog get upset when you insult its master." "some days i wonder why i stick around.
A Chance of Showers - Part Five
To add insult to injury, the lousy fuckers didn't even have the courtesy to leave the hot water running in the shower.