Spiral Nebula - Chapter 8

All gravity that there was from the rotation was lost, so calvin had to float toward the exit. once at the edge, calvin saw the lifeless ship floating in front of him with trails of debris orbiting it with the dropship.

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The Royal Treatment

But the more he ascended, the more he felt gravity's influence trying to drag him down. the task would have been impossible if not for the help of his extra hands.

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SENTIENCE - Prologue

As we tamed earth's gravity well with giant slings and elevators in the coming decades, surely we could also tame extrasolar space? we were naive. cryonics had long since been a dead-end.

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Ruegers Flight Dedication

gravity pulls you down and lets you sink into a snow bank.


Wake Up Alarm (Otherwise Untitled)

Something had knocked out main power, while she was asleep, and it had been out long enough for the artificial gravity to have fizzled. the deer took a breath, and punched in the commands to open the pod's door.

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The savior

What is probably lesser known, and unfortunately misunderstood to those fighting one, is that it's not the wings alone that create this capability, but rather a sort of anti gravity radiation that the wings emit as they flap -- a sort of gravity wave.

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Sideline Hacker Battles: Zavis vs Andre

Something to tweak the whole gravity thing. rocket shoes? no, don't think that's worth it. not when i can't really control it all that well.

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MoonDust, Chapter 5

Despite the low gravity, or perhaps because of it, imogene's legs began to ache. finally, they passed through a heavy blast door and into the north tactical block.

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Interspecies Pamphlet (Initial Species Guide To Silver City Universe)

Dependant on height, general health, extenuating circumstances and specific gravity involved.

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The summary of the Gyetkti Floating Cattle by Professor Marlo Trotsky

But what of the anti-gravity sack? you will be happy to learn that these are used in space craft and transportation vehicles. such resourceful people these squids are, is it any wonder they are the first species to have preformed space flight?


Darker Side of Light (1)

I smiled as i looked at my work the black boots that can go against the gravity and make the user lighter than a feather and can sore as if they had wings. these black raven boots shall change the world.

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Creative Writing Story: Intro

* * * "computer activate the artificial gravity on my mark." captain koch ordered as he and the lieutenant secured the commander to the medbed™.

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