Lee's Religion // Chapter 1
This one involves lee, the father, who has a great life and a successful farm. he feels the call from his pack in the mountains and has to make an important decision... his farm life or his pack?
Most of the pure animal species have died out, the rest are farmed. it's gotten to the point that there's a bill in the whitehouse being contemplated whether humans should be farmed or not for the big shot companies.
The Lords of Elemestara (prolog)
A great deal of research with his earth magic went into making sure those thousands of farms produced bumper harvests on a regular basis.
Crossing Roads 1.2- The Price Of Order 1.1
I need you to go to the farm now-ah!" the radio suddenly caught off and jane's attempt to report back failed. jane looked at thirteen and with a serious tone she spoke, "...you're stuck with me until my investigation on this farm is over..."
MLP:FiM: Chapture 4: Down the Rabbid Hole
Pinky pie immediately yipped in excitement and ran out of farm house. applejack sighed and asked "okay... what is a e..weirdo..mayla? and why was zecora mad at you for it."
WOT- Born in Shadows- Chapter Seven
A few days later, they happened upon a poor farm. the animals looked extremely thin and their bones appeared visible. it was clear the late winter had greatly impacted them.
The Freehorn's Scars - Chapter 9
Surely he had some rations after leaving the farm, but thinking back on it, he barely touched the food he had packed for his journey.
The Casebook of Dr. Exeter, Chapter Three
The next morning i made a purchase of several species of farm animals from the portobello farm, including one pig, one goat and assorted poultry. i led the animals to a secluded place south of the farm and tethered them to a stout poplar.
Fugitive's Trust Chapter 2 Part 1 of 2
"it's my understanding that there's been a bit of vandalism on your farm lately." well that gave her plenty of words to choose from.
Bandit Attack
He is silent as we continue towards the farms, me unsure of what mental state my lead unicorns were in.
MLP:FiM: Chapture 2: The Next Day
I'm fixing somethings at the farm and i'm just running some errands while waiting for something at the farm to finish. but i would honored if you ask me next time." washington said with a smile. "are ya sure? it'll be fun." asked spike.
"The Thin Line," Part EE
Having grown up on a farm, i've always been sentimental about the chapter of harvests, and the injunction to gather in the fruits of the land and be joyful.