Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #2 - Shaking It Up
Chester was forced to sell off the electronics division to save his company, and the feline faded from the spotlight and into gaming geek history.
Burning Mouse and the I.C.E. Snake
.: acronym: intrusion countermeasures electronics: the hardware and software created by corporations to counteract hacking attempts by rogue agents. simon grumbled within his packet.
Surface: Doomed Planet-Excerpt 17-Augmentation
He let his weapon fall and raised the shield, standing behind a concrete planter as he did, shielding himself from our firearms, but leaving himself wide open to an attack on his electronics.
The laser than attracts either protons or electrons. the laser literally rips the shield off of the ship by attracting the protons or electrons, and it takes a small amount of time to generate the energy for the shields to come back online.
Property of Wesley Telecom
He looked around behind the stand and found it, a small tape recorder of his, one he had picked up near an electronics store. he picked it up, holding it to the receiver, and pressed play.
Shelly on World History
Of nothing' where a lot of cocain was made and much of it snorted, but not much else happened, then there was the eighties wherewith much excess, great cartoons and movies, good music, hair bands, butt rock, ibiza and greaat dj's, the birth of trance and electronic
The Silver Renomon Series The Between Years Prolog to Book Two
What has happened in the years after book one is still coming together in my mind and on paper (or in this case electronic code) after the word gets out about devon being a human/digimon hybrid, hypnos resends general rule #blah blah blah under the order
Club Leviathan 000: Introduction
Competes with alex in his love for electronic devices.
Blank Verse Essay On The Futility of So-Called "A.I." Art
The real and actual embodiment in matter--paint or plaster, sound or words, or vibrating electrons on a disk-- existence paired to essence.
005 - The World pt.04
For every electronic store and pub you pass you're treated to the beautiful dulcet tones of the 6 'o clock news.
The Adventures of Ryan and Company: Prolouge
What ryan and jake didn't know is that they were being followed by two hooded figures and one of them was holding an electronic scanner and there was a small bing sound and the guy smiled and started to talk to his partner.
Just passing by
Pressing the shortcut on his home screen to call a more trusted it, his boyfriend noma, he glanced over to the open space, busy with various electronic noises and muted voices, his coworkers that seemed just as lively as a bunch of bureaucratic zombies.