
Fluctuations of delusion, destiny, & denying the clearly known are, in a way, how i get through each day, it's a part of how i've grown... "be it real only to me" "it makes all else 'better' with 'why & what' i can see" ????

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Personal Pride

But as long as others believed he was beautiful, he would not deny them their delusions, would he now?

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Burning Bridges

Fighting under the night again to be heard or to never be seen another dance with the enemy inside lock you out and never feel again grinding the gears until they break hold it in and let it consume fake the smile and deny nothing is wrong the bomb


Mad love...

Did by chance, you feel what i couldn't deny among a bloody room, we stared at each other with honesty toward why...

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Graceful Monstrosities - medium poem

I decided to write about how someone may not like them, but you can't deny that they are interesting little things. this was written on 5/27/2016. written by me, fane star our eight legged friends and foes are numerous in size and shape.

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Cyanide of Riddance Chapter 3.

Pelvic here denies being a super villain. but let me ask you this, if you aren't a supervillain, then why do you need a bullet proof face?" _ _"oh, penny!"_ rainwing cries. _"hang in there, penny. hang in there, penny.

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Akari Omoiyari Biography

All through school and late college akari supported tatsuya helping him to become stronger and more confident, although if asked akari would deny this stating that tatsuya helped him become a better man.

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Lost, & am winning distance just a chance to grab at i swing heavily with my heart, for what never will be real, like the heaviest of any bat shattering nothing, but feeling light enough to fly i blink as i continue to think more on everything i can't deny

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Thanks Jose: A coming out Tale

This is where you're supposed to deny it?" _fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!_ "bi" i said with a shrug and my best attempt at a nonchalant grin.

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A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 43 (Inner Demons - Part 1)

Don't deny it! i heard him call your name, i heard the sounds of sex, you weren't even in the bathroom! i checked!" naruto went wide eyed, he'd been round at tazuna's door, but he wasn't with kiba. "sasuke! i didn't... i mean..." "shut it!"

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Inferno High - Chapter 9

deny it. deny my emotions. it's all worthless, anyways! i mean, come on! he's probably gonna go to a different college, if a relationship would even last until the end of the year. psh, i totally have a problem with it. "maybe i don't."

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Dragon of Déjà vu

Around this point in the memory his body denied him further sleep deprivation and he was forced back into the present.

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