How I Found it All: Part IV

He didn't move, but his face changed more from shock to slight curiosity. soon, i was within distance for him to see my eyes clearly. his face changed instantly to that of a child comforted by his mother. "see, is that better?"

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His jaws sluggishly opened, the slime peeking in between their confines with the curiosity of a cub. this curiosity lasted for the briefest of moments though, as it was changed in an instant to force.

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An alien helping hand.

Down on the island, a few other winged canids were working out how to play catch under the portal, but most of the denizens of the city looked on with varying degrees of curiosity, then went on with their day.

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Chapter 18 teaser

She used part of her cloak to wipe it clean her curiosity now peeked. when she cleaned it off she saw it was a picture a human boy.

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A Servant's Heart, Chapter 3

James looked levelly at her for a moment before he answered, and his mind changed from curiosity to something very different.

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An Essence of White

My curiosity burns to find out the fine details that are blurred by the distance between what i see.

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Walking Backwards (Lyrics)

Please tell me that i am dreaming, so that i can wake up screaming, i am walking backwards, to a world of uncertainty, where many is curiosity, when will i return, back to the real world?

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Trip Planning Diner (Otherwise Untitled)

~ their planning complete, beth again regarded the cabbage pie, the possum's curiosity emboldened by the resolution of logistics. "could i try a bite of that?"

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asari racial stats

Alignment: asari culture is very similar to that of the thoradan, but their curiosity leads them to sometimes be more chaotic than neutral. size: an asari's height averages around 3 ½' feet tall and their wingspan reaches around 10 feet wide.

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28 Ride

In exchange for having summoned him, i helped train him in some magic as well, honing his natural curiosity into surprising power.

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In the Negative: Chapter 9

Wistfully she stared at him as he stared back, her ears perked in curiosity and her head cocked slightly to the side. "h-hi," humphrey said to her nervously, but then the strangest thing happened.

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Potion Cat: The Fugitive

It was interesting, to say the least and layne's curiosity only seemed to grow the more she spent time with this one. there was also the matter of that grimoire.

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