Walking Backwards (Lyrics)

Story by Prince Seren on SoFurry

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A song I wrote inspired by my latest novel "Reverse"

This is a song inspired by my up coming novel "Reverse"

I am walking backwards,

Past destiny, and into a world,

Of pure fantasy,

What awaits behind me?

Or what waits in front of me?

I cannot tell,

Because everything is backwards,

Left is right, right I left,

Up is down and down is up,

There is no telling what can happen,

In a world so corrupt,

I am walking backwards,

Past my dreams, past reality,

Is this all real? Or artificially?

Please tell me that I am dreaming,

So that I can wake up screaming,

I am walking backwards,

To a world of uncertainty,

Where many is curiosity,

When will I return,

Back to the real world?

Or will I forever be trapped,

In this other world, through

The looking glass,

I am walking backwards,

I am walking backwards,

Up is down, down s up,

North is South, South is North,

Everything is s confusing,

When will I walk my path?

Or is someone else choosing?

I'm walking backwards past my destiny,

Trapped in a world everlastingly,

Upon a road, that takes me backwards...

When will I wake up,

To reality...